Flowers | Neville

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A/N It was so hard to find a decent gif of Neville

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A/N It was so hard to find a decent gif of Neville.

You had double herbology. To you the day could not get any better. Obviously you were very wrong.

At the start of the double lesson, Professor Sprout announced that you would be working with a partner from the opposite house.

Your eyes flicked dubiously over the gryffindor students. Most of them didn't even like herbology.

Of course there were exceptions, the main one being Neville Longbottom. Your parents told you that the sorting hat never made mistakes but in your opinion Neville was a true hufflepuff. Then again he wasn't very good at finding things.

"(Y/n)" You look up to find the whole class watching you. "Sorry Professor." "Pay closer attention (y/n). You're partnered with Neville."

You grab your stuff and move next to the boy, who had already started to re-pott the nightshade.

"You know, when nightshades are in bloom they produce dark purple flowers that are nearly as beautiful as you."

You nod with interest before processing what he just said. In shock , the  good kind, you drop the plant pot and curse as it shatters.

Professor Sprout looks over disapprovingly so you start to pick up the pieces. Unfortunately for you, you're still thinking about Neville's words and aren't focused on the task at hand.

Long story short you cut yourself on a shard of pot and ended up in the hospital wing. Neville sat by you as Madam Pomfrey treated the cut.

"I meant it."

You look up startled.

"What I said. I meant it."


You wonder why Neville even brought it up.

"Be my girlfriend?"


You smile as Neville turns tomato red.

Sorry this one is so short.

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