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Wednesday, 19th March

Dear dairy,
Well today was a one tiring day but an unique one.

Guess why?

Well it's exactly what you're thinking.

Sana, my seatmate, insisted to eat her lunch with me so it basically means I have a company during lunch break and the seat beside me in the cafe have been occupied for the first time in 10 years.

Despite me hating other people's presence and any kind of interaction, I think I didn't hate her company..., though she's a bit annoying sometimes her clumsiness earn me a little laugh and some of her pointless stories distract me from much boredom.

Do you know what's the weirdest part?

It's the first time I've ever laugh this much since I was 12, well it's only few giggles for like two or three seconds but yeah its still counted as laugh, right?
The other one is...I'm actually listening to her childish stories..? I'm supposed to be ignoring her as I've always done to anyone who tried to start a conversation with me, yes even my parents, aren't I?

How can I be entertained by a girl i met like about yesterday or day before yesterday!?

I wish to know why?

Goodnight Xx

My wishes °•.Satzu.•°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz