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Friday,  6th April

Dear diary,
I'm still shock because of what happen today. Like duh, did I really do that?
I'm really not myself. Wanna know what happened?


Well...she..she k-

I still can't believe I let her do it. Am i really the same cold Chou Tzuyu? I feel like I'm being possess. I couldn't believe I let my guard down..

Well let me tell you what happened.

We were walking down the stairs after our last class dismissed, when we were about to part our ways and were standing beside the school gate waving each other goodbyes, yes we've been walking together after school till the school gate ever since we became a seatmate, and yes I didn't avoid her ,I felt sorry avoiding jer plus I kinda..kinda feel comfortable being with her...

Back to the story

So when I said

             - - -  - - - - -  - - - - - - - -
"bye see you next Monday"

and waved my hand, she mumbled something and keep her head low, since I was curious wanting to know what she was saying I bend my head down a little to her level so my face could meet her's

"What are you saying?"

"Ah I'm just saying-"

Sana tilted her head and kissed the latter's cheek when she caught her off guard

"I'm gonna miss you hehehe"

She ran away before Tzuyu finish processing what had happened.

                       ° ° ° ° ¥ ° ° ° °

Aaah I'm so frustrated, I couldn't stop thinking about it. And also there's this weird thing, when she ran away, I froze there for a minute till I could really process what happen, I felt my cheeks burning and my heart beat faster than ever and louder as ever. Yes I'm a little bit fluttered and of course it's normal to be flutter since we haven't even gotten that close yet and I'm a shy person but the way my heart beat and the way my face heated up....I don't know what's that feeling?

"Oh w-wait!"

I think she's using some lipstick that can burn your skin?!

'What the fuck ?!'

My conclusion makes sense cause the moment I get inside my room I went to my bathroom and check my face in the mirror..and..and it's really RED!!

Now I'm worried as fuck ,what if she left some poison on my face?! Well I'm not actually...scared to die but it's just creepy, don't wanna be killed by some creeper I met in school ya' know.

Ok I'm taking my words back about letting my guard down and trusting her, I'm not gonna befriend with a serial killer.

I think I should ask her on Monday

Goodnight Xx

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