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My Dear Diary,
I'm having a rough day.Mom forgot to feed me again.I'll live though.I have friends. I'm proud to have made friends. It's
Nice.I love my electives, drama is my favorite.I'm having a hard time thinking about my day. Nothing interesting really happens. I figured out my locker combination! No more clueless looks and turns of my lock! You know, there's this boy who keeps staring at me.It's creeping me out.I don't really know why but I somehow feel happier when I hang out with Emma. She's one of my only friends. My other friends make me happy, but Emma manages to make me happier? I'm not 100% sure why or how, but I want know. I'll fill you in on my investigation My grades are surprisingly alright. I ended up searching for depressing pictures. I don't know why but it's nice doing that, searching for depressing pictures. Anyways I should probably go to sleep now since it's a school night. Good night!
Emily Veri -:-

My Dear Diary (The Diary of a 12 year old Lesbian,Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now