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My Dear Diary,
I'm staying home.Why? BECAUSE IT HURTS TO MOVE ANY MUSCLE BECAUSE MY STOMACH HURTS AND I WANT ICE CREAM! Oh did I mention I'm on my Death cycle? (Period) no well I am.AND I HATE IT! I like ice cream though.I can never hate ice cream.Ehem,sorry about that.Need to show my anger to something.Anyways Emma is changing.A little bit.She wears pink now.Started wearing dresses more often,mostly pink.I'm scared.I'm scared to lose the only thing that is keeping me rooted.From falling into a hole I'll never escape.From losing that last bit of sanity I have left.The only thing that I hoped would stay the same,is changing.And....I'm terrified.Would anybody really notice that I'm gone? If I were to just disappear.Would they notice?Would anyone notice? I might actually be able to be noticed.Why? Because I'll be pronounced dead.Gone.Not alive.DEAD! And people only notice you when your either beautiful or dead.I'm not pretty.So my best shot is to be dead.Sorry for ruining the page with these negative thoughts.And to be changing to....drastically.It's just that I only really write when something happens.That's about a week or two.And I tend to rush.Sorry! I need to go,Brownie wants me to pet him and I'm terrible at multitasking.So YOU'LL BE BACK!!!

Emily Veri -:-

My Dear Diary (The Diary of a 12 year old Lesbian,Book 1) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora