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My Dear Diary,
It's been a while since I actually wrote in you, sorry about that. Life and procrastination got in the way. I guess I've been sad lately. I want to die. I'm ugly and fat. I don't deserve anything I get. I'm worse than trash. I only end up putting a mask on and hiding all my insecurities and negative feelings. I don't want people to worry about me so I keep everything under wraps. But the mask is cracking and all my feelings are getting overwhelming. I'm right back where I started in 4th grade. Hating myself and my body and my feelings with every thing I have. I'm a hypocrite aren't I? I tell others that they deserve everything and that they're beautiful, when I don't even think I am. I seem to only think about it when I'm alone, and it's night. When everything calms and all I have is my thoughts. I start to look at myself and count my thousands of imperfections. I can't think of one thing that's good about me, yet I can count thousands for others. Everything hurts yet I still manage to smile and laugh like I'm ok. Like I'm not begging myself to just die. Like I'm thinking every single night that I should just starve and be skinny. Like even if starving myself isn't healthy, at least I can finally end my suffering and leave this cruel world. Anyways, I have to sleep, if I can. See you next time...
Emily Veri -:-

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