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Haunting last words of famous personalities that will send a shiver down your spine:

Son, money can't buy life.

- Bob Marley

One last drink, please.

- Jack Daniel

My God, what's happened?

- Princess Diana

It's better to burn out than to fade away.

- Kurt Cobain

We will be back in five minutes.

- Paul Walker

Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.

- Steve Jobs

I'm going to the bathroom to read.

- Elvis Presley

I hope the exit is joyful and hope never to come back.

- Frida Kahlo

Katie, Katie, look... it'll be fine, you know,I just need to get some sleep.

- Heath Ledger

I want nothing, but death.

- Jane Austen

Friends, applaud. The Comedy is over.

- Beethoven

It is very beautiful over there.

- Thomas Edison

I'm shot.

- John Lennon

I need help bad, man.

- Jimi Hendrix

I don't want to die.

- Amy Winehouse

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