Chapter 6: Training and Mentors

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i got to my room after the successful mentor sponsor meeting. when i get to my room its empty so i go knock on Sage's door. before i get the secon knock in the doors open and hes on my lips. man thats romantic.i pull his hand and lead him into my room. we get in bed and he throws his shirt aside ashe always does.i debate on telling him about the sponsors. i decide against it because he would let his guard down knowing how secure he is. he has to get a good training score no matter what.  in the morning i give him some last minute tips.

"and remember. if anyone wants to ally tell them you'll think about and get back to them tomorrow. that way i can help you sort through things tonight. but other than that be social friendly and show off as best as you can. okay bye have fun!" i kiss him as the elevator opens on the gym. when we realize its opened we hear some rude whistling and we break suddenly. we hug quickly and i push the 2 button and the elevator recloses. i see someone laugh and pat him on the back before the gym is obstructed from my veiw.  i know hes nervous but people seem to love him back home and the Capitol obviously does, so i think he'll be good. i decide to take a nap because i have an hour or two before i have to meet with Brutus. if i could i would skip out on that because he makes me want tothrow up on small animals.

eventually an avox comes in and wakes me for my meeting. iget up andtry delaying my arrival by showering and taking forever on my hair and clothes.  eventually i make it to our dining room Brutus has been sitting there for 30 minutes and he looks really pissed at me. whatevs. i sit down and he glares at me. "you're late." he says flaty.

"and you're unatractive." i say back nonchalantly. he rolls his eyes. " and i'm here why?" i say aggrivated.

" we have to talk allies. if they get recruited by the careers we have to agree if we should let them be in the same alliance. if not we need to figure out with them what to do. but we have to discuss it now while they're in training." he says.

"well i told Sage to tell everyone that he'll get back to them tomorrow and i said i would help him sort through it all and make his descisions." i say making him feel inferior. it didnt work. " but i say we work seperatley and try to find the best solution for each of them while avoiding the other mentor. because they make you want to vomit. oh wait. thats just me!" i say glaring at him and crossing my arms.

"fine." he says walking off to his own room. i get bored so until lunch i go to the TV room. great. its the Tv special about me and Sage we agreed to on our vacation. its interesting. i look good, he looks great, its pretty good. but they seem to have added a part about the games.  yes. this is great for sponsors. yeah right,Brutus. Daniella wont get a dollar at this point. somehow the Capitol has done me an odd justice. they made me look vulnerable and weak. that wouldnt be good if i was a tribute. but its making Sage look strong and powerful that he is keeping me stable and they do a great job showing the true love. it makes it look like i need him-which i do-and it gives a sense that he needs to make it out of these games for both his sake and my own.  i'm loving this.

before i know it it's lunch time and i meet Lavina and Brutus in the dining room. i go to the buffet and fill up a large plate. there's a pene pasta with tomato basil sauce and garlic seared chicken. then there are biscuits with butter and cilantro. and on the end is a cake that looks like it is made of bricks.  i hope i dont get sick. i have a problem with eating too much because it tastes good and then getting sick from eating too much of it.

"so did we find a strategy for alliation?" Lavina says. i roll my eyes.

"alliation? really? but yeah we did. just leave it at that.

"yeah,what the annoying one said." Brutus sneers. i roll my eyes and try to ignore them and focus on my food.  eventually i feel full and go to my room to call my mom.

"mom? hey how are you?" i say into the phone quietly.

"oh,we're all fine. i guess the real question would be how are you faring, honey?" she says sadly.

"i'm holding through,okay. he already has over 4 million in sponsors from the Capitol and i'm sure there will be some from back home, and during the games big events can change the odds and raise funds. so it think he'll be okay. hey... do his parents still hate me?" i say concerningly.

"well......" she says. i moan. "sorry, sweetie. Trint's at school right now but i'm sure he'd say hi." i smile knowing she cant see me. "yeah. we all wish you were here. i'm sorry this is happening to you. i was watching the news a little bit earlier and i saw that special on you two. it looks really helpful for getting sponsors, but i don't think you even need that many anymore." she says comfortingly.

" know, what buys a life on day one will only get you a peice of beef jerkey at the final 8. but yeah, i guess so.  i mean, do you think i should let him be with the careers if they offer? i mean what if they gang up on him and take him out in his sleep. mom, i love him, and i cant stand seeing anything happen to him!" i say holding back tears.

"well, he got through it before. do you think he was all fine and dandy watching you with Princeton? why don't you just ask him how he did it." she says.

"alright. thanks mom. tell everyone i say hi i gotta go, dinners soon. love you bye." i say rushingly.

"k, bye, honey." she says. i hang up and lay down for a minute before i have to head back to the dining hall for dinner. thats when i realize the pain in my stomach. thats weird. i'm not hungry, its just i hate this. this whole situation i'm in with my family Sage Daniella Brutus Lavina Snow Everyone! ughhhh! i hear a knock on my door and asume its Lavina summoning me to dinner.

"get out,Lavina i'm coming!" i sneer angrily. then the door opens and i growl.

Sage says in a faulty Capitol accent. "uhh! i'm utterly offened!" yet sarcastically. we laugh. he pulls me up from the bed and into his arms and kisses my forehead softly.  i smile and look down.

" why aren't you at dinner?" i ask him.

"yeah... listen. this is going to sound weird. i have a confession to make..." he says pulling me closer and sitting down, holding me in his arms on his lap.  i know this will be bad because hes stalling for a really long time.

" come on out with it." i say standing up and backing away from him. he frowns and tries to hug me. i keep backing away and he gets upset.

"hey, whats wrong..." he says with open arms. i roll my eyes at him. he starts chasing me around the room and i'm running frantically.

"no! not till you tell me what this is about." i say protestantly. he frowns again. he starts to chase me again and eventually he closes his arms round me and i cant get free. he lays down on the bed and i'm on top of him and i cant get off. i hate this. he tightens his grip to where its almost painful for me. i growl at him. "okay fine..... i have some ally offers and i think i know what i want.  please... don't be mad..." he says softly.

"you know if you wantto be with the careers i decided i'm okay with it as long as you take precautions." i say with an upset tone. he gives a really fake laugh. he lets out a deep breath. i want to slam my head back but i dont want to hurt him. why did he sigh? i'm scared now.

"great! i am! but................ uh...i... have something else..." he says like he doesnt want to hurt me or something.

"tell me!" i shout angrily. i've never spoke to him in that way and it makes me feel bad that i'm snapping at him.

"i have to ally with Daniella."  he lets go of me and i get off of the bed fast. and i stare at him with my arms crossed. he looks at me with sad eyes and i have to avoid his gaze.

"why!" i snap at him.

"the carrers realy want me. but they said that i had to convince Daniella to join them because they really want her too." he says. i frown at him. "i'm sorry. i have to or i'll be alone with no allies. i promise i'll keep my gaurd up and trust me i wont leave you.." he opens his arms again and this time i accept it. he pulls me into a kiss and i kiss him back, only feeling sorry for myself. he spins me around before leading me out of the room to dinner. but i pull him back to the bed.

"come on...... i have room service thats way better than sitting around with those people." i randomly order something and then sit down next to him. he wraps his arms around me and we kiss. this goes on for about an hour, and let me just say hes shirtless by the end of it.

Cirrianetta (book 2): The AwakeningHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin