Chapter 8: Training Scores

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  • Dedicated to ya'll!!!!!!!! luv ya xoxoxo <3

about an hour later i head down to dinner to fill my hunger pangs. i get there and Daniella is talking to Lavina about somethingstupid. i sit down with a plate full of rice and beans with a biscuit. when i sit down Daniella looksat me like she thinks shes better than me. " guess who has $500,000 dollars in sponsors." she says trying to make me jealous. i roll my eys and lean back.

"guess who has 4.5 million." i say flatly and she drops her jaw. she crosses her arms in front of her and looks away from me. Sage walks in and sits down next to me. we kiss but then stop when we realize how awkward the situation is. but then he grabs hold of my hand under the table. its a warm feeling, and it makes me feel better. Brutus walks in a minute later and silently takes a seat with his food.

"you guys ready for the private sessions tomorrow?" Brutus asks a little bit annoyed. Sage just nods and looks at me. Daniella laughs and sits taller.

" i know i'm ready." she glares at Sage and i glare at her with that lay off my man type look. i squeeze his hand for reassurance.  he smiles.

" come on finish so i can help you with training... in privete." i glare at Daniella again and she rolls her eyes. ughh she makes me mad. when Sage finishes with his food i whisk him off to my room to discuss hius private session

when Daniella shouts " keep your clothes on you two!" she says sarcastically. i give her the finger and her jaw drops again. i laugh as i close the door to my room behind me.  we sit down on the bed and he goes for my shirt.

"no." i push his hands away. " we have plenty of time for that at home after i get you out of there." he frowns and sits back. "okay. what are you best at so far?" i say leaning back onto his chest.

"well, i have pretty good aim with all of the weapons and i can throw a spear perfectly at the target." he says modesty. i laugh and interlock my fingers with his.

"awww we do have a lot in common. but i guess you cant do a back flip and land a spear perfectly in the back wall 500 feet away......" i say sadly putting my head on his shoulder. he smiles and i hope i didnt offend him. "sorry..... 6 years of gymnastics pays off...." he laughs that time.

"i know i know, little miss 12 in training." i look down to hide my blushing. he laughs more. i play with our interlocked hands and he just looks at me for a while.

"alright. you know how i got that. its combinations. the gamemakers want to be entertained. if you can combine 2 different skills than you can rack up more points. if you just shoot an arrow at a target for an hour, they'll get bored and pass you off. if you can dosomthing interesting ortake it up a notch they will be more inclined to pay attention. i dont know maybe you could draw a giant s somewhere with paint and land a bunch of weapons on it or  you could.... puncture a dummy with a knife and paint some blood patterns to make it look like a wound. be creative." i say hyped up.

"hmm.... i think i gotta good idea, that will definatley strike interest." he says smirking. i raise an eyebrow at him. he laughs. "you'll see. well you won't . but i'll tell you tomorrow before the scores come out. he says. " by the way Resin and Ambria from District 1 are really nice, and hillarious." he says happily. i laugh and i'm really glad hes making friends.

"just keep your eyes on the prize and remember not to get to close. no matter what they have to die."  i say frowning and looking into his eyes.  " please don't get distracted in there! this is soo important. dont leave me in the arena!" i say holding onto his shirt, gasping for air.

"please. come on. i promise.alrght come here." he pulls me in closer and kisses my forehead. "i'll never leave you. and no one will change that." he says. "they can't seperate us."

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