Chapter 12. Mommy's gift

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The tall dark man paced the floor as I imagined he was confused. Daddy had said he was part of the bad vampires so for him to be shocked this must be really bad. It seemed every time we got a glimpse of happiness something came and crushed that hope. This was making me so sad and now granddaddies friends will be killed.

“Where are the others.” One of the female voices interrupted my thoughts. I heard them mention Auntie Alice’s name and granddaddies. I still hoped Alice would come back to us. I was a little mad at her for leaving us. Mommy told me that she loved Alice. She didn’t think Alice could ever be so selfish. I shook the thought away. It wasn’t nice to think bad about a family member. I looked at daddy who had hesitated. I wondered why daddy didn’t tell them to start with. Would it have made anything easier? I doubt it though. We have dug a big hole for ourselves. Too deep to recover. I suddenly felt very selfish. These friends had done nothing wrong; we were pulling them into our hole. My hole I had dug when I almost killed mommy. When I had been born.

Daddy finally answered Tanya. “Looking for friends.” The blonde vampire leaned near daddy. Her expression was full of regret and doubt. I wondered exactly what had happened in the past. I had asked mommy sometime ago and she told me that she had asked the vampires to help with a newborn army and they didn’t help.

Then she said something that we all knew but we pushed to the back of our minds.

 “Edward, no matter how many friends you gather, we can’t help you win. We can only die with you. You must know that. Of course, perhaps the four of us deserve that after what Irina has done now, after how we’ve failed you in the past—for her sake that time as well.” The look on mommy and daddies face made me almost cry. They looked horrified. Even though we had no chance they had held onto something that could save us. I wanted to believe with them. But I was more frustrated that we had done nothing wrong and now we would all be killed.

Daddy shook his head at Tanya’s words.

“We’re not asking you to fight and die with us, Tanya. You know Carlisle would never ask for that.” I looked up at daddy’s strained face. His voice somewhat irritated by Tanya’s words.

 “Then what, Edward?” Tanya looked back at him. Her face had strained also. She was staring at me as she spoke.

  “We’re just looking for witnesses. If we can make them pause, just for a moment. If they would let us explain . . .” Daddy stopped and looked down at me. His cold hand touched my cheek. I held onto his hand showing him that I can

 “It’s difficult to doubt our story when you see it for yourself.” Daddy was holding my hand to his face to show the women what he meant. Obviously she knew. She had witnesses us already.

  Tanya nodded to daddy. “Do you think her past will matter to them so much?”

 “Only as it foreshadows her future. The point of the restriction was to protect us from exposure, from the excesses of children who could not be tamed.”

I frowned at daddy’s words. I was not dangerous I don’t know why they couldn’t see that. I was warm and my eyes weren’t like mommy’s more like Jacob’s. I decided I should speak up.

  “I’m not dangerous at all,” I said. I looked around the room as I spoke.  “I never hurt Grandpa or Sue or Billy. I love humans. And wolf-people like my Jacob.” I reached around to Jacob who looked surprised and tapped on his arm. He felt warm as usual. It was comforting.

Daddy pulled me back so I was in his arms again. Jacob frowned. I didn’t say anything because daddy was busy talking to the vampires. I wanted to meet Irina show her that I wasn’t as bad as she thought. She had gone to the bosses about us and now we were going to be killed. I tuned in to daddy’s conversation when I heard my name.

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