Chapter 13. More guests

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Chapter 13. More guests

Mommy had a gift and she didn’t even realise it. I just sat watching mommy shifting around uncomfortable at the attention.

 “Can you project?” The blonde vampire asked mommy who creased her forehead. She looked confused like I was.

 “Push it out from yourself, shield someone besides yourself.” Mommy had never mentioned her gift before so I didn’t think she knew she had it.

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried. I didn’t know I should do that.” Mommy stuttered. Kate who was sat close to mommy said.

  “Oh, you might not be able to,” She spoke quickly.

 “Heavens knows I’ve been working on it for centuries and the best I can do is run a current over my skin.” I didn’t understand what she meant but mommy had told me that Kate’s gift was like an electric fence. She could project a current to run over her body and shock anyone who touched her.

Daddy jumped in to defend the blonde vampire. “Kate’s got an offensive skill, Sort of like Jane.”

I didn’t know Jane but I knew she must be the bad vampire since mommy had mentioned her lots of times. I decided then on I didn’t like her. Mommy seemed to be thinking the same way as me because she flinched away from the vampire. Kate laughed at her reaction.

“I’m not sadistic about it; it’s just something that comes in handy during a fight.” Mommy seemed reassured but I wasn’t I didn’t like her still.

Mommy told me about daddy at the volturi’s castle and the fight that happened. She said daddy was thrown onto the floor.  She had also told me she had been thinking of trying to shield me against the volturi. I really loved how mommy thought about everyone else before herself she was the best mommy ever. Everyone was silent for a few minutes then mommy jumped out of her thoughts

“You have to teach me what to do!” Mommy almost yelled grabbing hold of Kate’s arm almost making her cry.

 “Maybe—if you stop trying to crush my radius.” Kate breathed. Mommy instantly moved away from Kate.

“Oops! Sorry!” She looked down at the floor.

  “You’re shielding, all right, that move should have about shocked your arm off. You didn’t feel anything just now?” She looked to mommy who shook her head still looking at the floor. I was excited mommy had a new gift she could help us and we might have a chance. Of course I wouldn’t think much into it after last time.

  “No, I didn’t feel anything. Were you doing your electric current thing?” Mommy finally looked up again at Kate.

“I was. Hmm. I’ve never met anyone who couldn’t feel it, immortal or otherwise.” She had her hand to her chin confused as mommy was.

  “You said you project it? On your skin?” Mommy asked. I daren’t touch Kate in case I could feel the shock. I didn’t want a fight to break out.

  Kate nodded. “It used to be just in my palms. Kind of like Aro.” Mommy had told me about Aro the bad vampire leader who was coming to kill us along with all his workers.

Kate went on and on about her gift telling mommy more and more. I thought it was slightly boring now. I wanted to know about mommy.

Suddenly the atmosphere went tense and cold. I didn’t understand what was happening but the dark haired man Eleazar was pacing again He was talking about Aro coming with everyone with daddy. But it seemed like a half silent conversation because of daddy’s gift.

I listened when daddy was talking about a vampire called Chelsea who also had a gift. Aro the bad vampire used Chelsea to break and attach vampires to Aro but the vampire is also used to separate the victims. I wondered if Chelsea was coming to try to split up my family but we were a strong family.

Daddy and Eleazar worked out that Aro and everyone was coming to get Auntie Alice away. I was still confused to where she was. No one had mentioned her in a long while. I didn’t think anyone wanted to tell the friends what had happened I don’t even think they knew what was happening.

Daddy and mommy had both thought Alice had gone so Aro couldn’t get her but none of us would let that happen.  Daddy had carried on the silent conversation about the volturi eventually I zoned out because I didn’t want to think about what was happening.

I had dozed off a little when I heard noises that made me wake. I heard something about granddad coming but no one had mentioned he was coming.

“It’s not your father. Alice sent Peter and Charlotte, after all. Time to get ready for the next round.” Daddy said. I would have to do exactly what I had done with a new set of vampires Auntie Alice had sent. I hoped this wouldn’t be harder than before.

Daddy stood protectively at the door when the friend’s had come. Not sure if their eyes would be the same as daddies or red. The red eyes scared me a little I didn’t like it very much. When he was satisfied he moved to let them in. Mommy was again told to come and introduced to younger vampires Peter and Charlotte. The vampires weren’t as scared as the other ones and it didn’t take long before I had touched them and shown them exactly what I could do then daddy led them outside to hunt. I hadn’t seen Jacob at all during the day so while the vampires were out Jacob took a little time to be with me.

More vampires came into the house there was a women called Siobhan who I liked. She let her family member come near me after daddy had explained to mommy about her gift of sensing a liar and to the vampires about me being half vampire. The other two members happily accepted after this seemed to be getting easier as the day went along.

The Irish vampires scared me a little two of their members let me explain but the other two wouldn’t and they caused a fuss about it. I hid in mommy’s hair and Jacob growled. I thought there would be a fight but daddy led the second group out to hunt.

Auntie Rosalie and uncle Emmett had sent a vampire named Garrett, He easily accepted me sooner than any other vampires. He hung around with the blonde vampires that first arrived.

Two more vampires Mary and Randall came. They were more like the blonde vampires than the others. They knew what the volturi could do and they discussed what would happen if we all got killed. I tried to think positive about it but the room was getting pretty packed and daddy was just leading the last group of vampires to hunt.

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