Creation, Birth and Life of Renesmee Cullen chapter 1. inside

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Renemee's diary

Hello I am Renesmee Carlie Cullen. My daddy just bought me a journal to record all my memories. It is a very special diary. The front cover has my mommy and daddy on it. A picture from when my mommy was human. The colour of the diary is pastel pink. My favorite colour in the whole world.

Well, I guess you want to know my story then. It is a very special story. My mommy tells me the same story all the time. I know it word by word now. So here goes.

Chapter 1. New Beginnings

I am now going to combine my memory of being inside my mommy and my first years of being half vampire to what my mommy has told me.

It started in Rio De Janiro my parents had just married and were relaxing on their honeymoon. I didn't really know what had happened during their honeymoon. Mommy didn't really tell me much except they watched a film. She didn't even remember what it was called. She told me that she was nervous when she first met the cleaner Kaure.
Even though it was clear from the start that she was only concerned because she thought my dad was going to kill mom.
Anyway, back to the story.

From the first day I could understand the voices around me. I knew exactly what the situation was. I wasn't stupid. I  knew my mommies voice and my daddies voice. Even before they knew I was there I paid attention to everything they said. They went swimming and exploring the island. Mommy said the scenery was breathtaking. Daddy had obviously been here before.

Mommy had been craving eggs when I was inside her. Daddy always cooked them for her. I actually enjoyed the eggs. I remember them passing to me. They were nice. Mom also ate some chicken. I made her throw it all back up. She thought it was food poisoning. I thought this was quite funny. I was desperate for her to notice me. I was growing very fast. Even though I hadn't produced a bump yet mommy was feeling all the natural signs that I was there. Yet she ignored all of them.

The day mom finally found out about me. Mommy had woken up from the same dream she had for days now. The dream involved a baby boy. She said no matter what she had to protect this little boy from the Volturi.  She had watched the same movie as a couple of days before.

 I felt mommy go into the bathroom. She was getting a first aid kit because I was making her be sick. She searched through her bag and found out that she hadn't had a period. I over heard my daddy come in the room where we were. 'Bella are you ok'. He said. Mom didn't say anything.

I was excited that mommy would finally realize i was there. I would be meeting them soon. I dreamed of meeting my mommy before i even could think. I imagined growing up with a loving mommy and daddy.
 Listening to their voices soothing me when I cried or hurt myself. Hugging me and kissing me when i was upset or angry. I couldn't wait for all of this. I already loved my mommy even though I only heard her voice. My daddy on the other hand frightened me. His voice although it was a beautiful voice like angels singing. Though he didn't seem as enthusiastic as mommy.

This upset me a little bit. My heart torn into pieces. It felt like my daddy hated me. I know he was very shocked and surprised. I heard him talking to my granddaddy. He was asking if it was all possible. This made me giggle a little bit causing my mommy to go to the bathroom again. I didn't mean to poke her. It was cramped in here and I was growing fast. It was hard to keep still.

I felt terrible really guilty. I felt like i was becoming a burden. A load nobody wanted to deal with. Or a kitten thrown out onto the street.Unloved. I wondered how many times I had to make my mommy ill for her to hate me like my daddy. I felt depressed and unloved. I sobbed gently. Wondering how long I would know my parents for before they got rid of me. I knew my daddy wanted to do this. My granddaddy was a doctor who could easily arrange for me to be killed.

When i listened I then understood why my daddy felt the way he did. He wanted to protect my mommy. I thought that was so sweet how they loved each other. He had agreed in his wedding vows he would protect her and love her forever. Forever to my daddy actually was forever. I was going to kill my mommy and there was nothing I could do to stop this. My dad was dampened with guilt. I also felt this guilt. It lay heavy on my little heart. I listened more to my daddy. He was going to sort this out. Sort me out. I clung to my mommy tightly not wanting to to leave. I was scared for my mommy scared for my whole family and lastly for my life. I moved around more and i could hear my mommy comfort me. She was telling me it would be ok. But her voice was shaky she had been crying. My daddy had hurt her with his comment. Which meant that my mommy wanted me. I also heard my daddy come into the room with my mommy. ' It's okay, we're ok'. I heard my mommy say to me. she was rubbing where i was. This was reassuring.

just then she gasped and twisted round. I could feel someone touching my mommy cradling her in his arms. My daddy. I didn't know how to react to this. I already felt like I had done enough. I didn't want to stay near my daddy I wanted my mommy to tell me it is okay again. We will cope. But she didn't speak to me again because an unfamiliar voice interrupted them.

I didn't understand who this person was but from the tone of her voice she was appalled. She was shouting and i could hear my daddy shout back. A language i didn't understand. I was scared i tried to curl up closer to my mommy. I thought then and then that they would do something to me. I wanted my mommy to tell me, tell me everything was going okay i would be fine. I didn't need to be scared or guilty because i had a loving family. A mommy who would love me and a daddy who cared and would fight for my life. This wasn't going to happen. I sobbed again into my hands. I was so sorry for the pain and guilt i had caused and wondered if this would eat at me forever. I wouldn't have a loving family. I would have a dead mommy and a daddy who resented me for that reason.

My mommy was shaking. The shouting continued on. I was still frightened. I could see my mommy was also frightened. The shouting was making her feel uncomfortable. She was defending her husband. It seemed like my mommy didn't really know the other person shouted. She like me had no clue what was happening.

Everything seemed to calm down now. My daddy was still talking and i couldn't understand. But his voice was now low and a little more calmer. The woman's voice seemed shaky and concerned. She knew what I could do to my mommy that is why she was shouting at daddy.

suddenly the tone changed dramatically. The woman's voice was no longer angry or upset. It was more pleadingly. She was talking to my daddy in a calm pleading voice. He returned his sentence in the same way. This woman obviously cared a great deal about  my mommy. She was still talking to daddy but it sounded like my daddy was asking questions about me. He knew that I would kill my mommy. No doubt about it. He was most likely asking her for more information about it. The woman seemed to know a great deal about this. I could imagine my mommy's face. She hadn't joined in the conversation so it was obvious that she hadn't understood a word they were saying. I am sure she would know a little bit, she would have an idea what it was about. Of course. She couldn't join in because she didn't speak this language. She would be confused and maybe a little scared. I was terrified. I didn't want any of this to happen. I just wanted to come out. Meet my parents and be happy.

My daddy did understand what the woman was saying. He spoke fluent in whatever language it was. I could imagine his face crumpled.Pleading with her to see if there was anything they could do to protect my mommy. The only way to protect me was to kill me. I was hoping it wouldn't happen but i would forgive them if they did go through with it. He knew what he had to do. I was sure they would rush back to their home and have it over and done with. I would be gone in a few days. Gone and probably forgotten.

I knew he would have an agonizing look on his face. Fear for his wife, of what he had done to my mommy.
I was suddenly moving again. The woman had gone. I could understand them again. Mommy was going to the bathroom to clean her teeth. They were leaving to go home. Home to my granddaddy who would sort it all out.

I could hear my mommy and daddy moving around, packing things up to go home. "Could you....pack some of the food? You know, in case i get hungry again" Mommy said. I giggled a little. She was eating a lot more since i had come. It was no suprise how big i was getting very quickly.

"Of course" Daddy said. His voice had become soft now. He didn't sound as worried or frightened anymore. This was a good sign. Or so i thought it was a good sign. Daddy couldn't wait to get mommy home so they could sort it all out.

My daddy had gone out of the room now. I heard my mommy pick the phone and dial a number. She waited while it rang. Mommy had told me that it was unusual that daddy had forgotten to pack the phone. "Hello'" The voice on the end of the phone said. I was listening carefully to this voice. I didn't recognise it though I had sounded quite familiar. 'Rosalie, It's Bella. Please. You have to help me''. Mommy whispered. I could barely hear her.

Rosalie was my daddies sister. She had told my mommy why she didn't want her to join their family. Everyone except daddy and Rosalie wanted mommy to join. Rosalie had told mommy why she didn't want her to be like they were. This is why mommy had turned to Rosalie for help. Rosalie had always wanted to have children. Mommy knew that Rosalie would help her. She wouldn't let daddy do anything to hurt me. I was safe. I breathed a sigh of relief. I might have the happy family after all. If daddy loved mommy as much as i knew he did. He wouldn't kill anything mommy really loved. If everything turned out right daddy would have no reason to despise of me.

In the boat on the way to the airport Mommy was sat away from daddy. Daddy was still talking to granddady he was asking questions to granddaddy. I couldn't hear much of the conversation because my daddies voice was very quiet.
Mommy was talking to me. "Please don't worry about anything". She said. Her voice was weak. She sounded like she was close to tears. She had already explained to me. "No one is going to hurt you, I promise". She said. Although she didn't sound completely certain.

we were on the plane. The air hostess had caused a little problem with mommy carrying me. It was still the same day but mommies bump was no longer unnoticeable. The air hostess was talking to the manager. "Mr and Mrs Cullen I am afraid we cannot let you on this plane" The manager said. He sounded impatient. We were stuck here. My mommy had told me she was worrying because we needed to go back and get information and medical equipment. It wasn't safe to be here in our situation. I heard my daddy say. "We need to get home, very quickly", My daddy whispered to them. "I am sorry we can't let you, what if she goes into labour, it isn't safe or fair on the rest of the passengers". He said.
"I can assure you my wife isn't going into labour anytime soon, please we need to get back home". Daddies voice was pleading. He sounded very desperate. "I am sorry Mr and Mrs Cullen". He said.
"You don't understand we need to get home". Dad hissed at him. Mommy told me that he gave him the worst look ever. The manager sighed and said. "Ok but sit at the back and cover your...". He blushed. Mommy and daddy got on the plane at last.

The plane had stopped. Mommy had a bucket that daddy had brought along for when mommy felt sick. When they finally arrived at the airport I heard daddy sigh with relief. Mommy was actually pretty big now. It was hard to hide it. Although daddy was trying to hide it. The manager seemed very confused and daddy had to drag mommy away before he started asking them questions.

Once off the plane. They walked into the waiting area. Mommy had run straight into my auntie Rosalie's arms. She was scared of what daddy wanted to do. Daddy had told me he didn't know what mommies plan was until she had run into Rosalie's arms. Mommy knew she would protect me and mommy no matter what. Mommy had told me it would be okay and now i believed her. Although one thing still worried me, terrified me in fact. My mommy was human. I wasn't, I was growing at a very fast rate mommy wouldn't be able to take this. It would exhaust her. I would kill her.

All my mommies and daddies family were there. Everyone hugged mommy. Mommy told me it was Rosalie and Esme, my grandma who were protecting me. My granddaddy and uncle Emmett were with mommy, Rosalie and Esme. Because Carlisle couldn't kill anything that his family loved and the same with Rosalie.

"Ok lets go home". I heard someone say. I wasn't sure who it was. It sounded like my daddy with a deeper heavier voice.
i felt mommy nod. By now mommy was noticeably big. She told me she kept her head down and the hood on her coat up. Daddy was holding her hand. "Bella you have to listen to me". Daddy was saying to her. She was crying again. Mommy told me that daddy and Rosalie were at war.
"No Edward you listen to me". She demanded. Her voice was meant to sound strong but it was barely a whisper.
"We will discuss this when we get home". He said. I felt mommy sob quietly. Mommy had told me that she held Rosalie's hand all the way home.

I made mommy sick three times before we eventually got what i expected to be home. "Can everyone excuse us please". Daddy said. His voice was desperate. Mommy had told me that my granddaddy put his hand on daddies shoulder. "Come on everyone". Granddaddy said.
"I don't think so". Rosalie spluttered. Mommy had told me that she was very protective over her. She wouldn't let my daddy do anything to mommy or me. "Rosalie". Granddaddy snapped. There was complete silence for a minute.
"It's Ok Rose". Mommy said. weakly. I felt mommy lean to Rosalie. Then the door closed loudly.

"Bella, sweetheart please listen to me". Daddy said. "Please". He sounded like he was going to cry at any moment. But of course he didn't.
I knew mommy shook her head at him. "Edward please don't make me have to choose". Mommy said weakly again. I heard daddy sigh.
"Bella, please listen to me. I don't want to lose you. Especially since it took all my will to save you all those times. I can save you if you let me".He was really pleading with her. Mommy wouldn't listen. I wish she would. Although i didn't want to die before i had even been born, I felt terrible for my daddy. He would lose his wife.

Mommy had explained all the times daddy had saved her. She was grateful for everything he ever did for her. So if she knew she would cause all this pain for daddy, why wouldn't she do this to him. I could imagine how he would look. His face would look troubled, no crippled. Like his whole world was falling apart and the people closest to him didn't seem to notice. Like being stuck in the worse possible situation and knowing if someone came along they could get you out. But what if you were stuck in this sound proof place. Everyone could see what was happening around you. But they took no notice. They couldn't hear your screams or cries. There was no help no one would ever hear your screams until it was too late.

Daddy knew all this already. He had tried to talk to granddaddy, but he wouldn't do anything at all to help even though he knew what was going to happen. Miracles don't always happen like lightening doesn't strike the same place twice. It had for mommy quite a few times. Did she expect to get out of this safely?I knew it would end badly but mommy didn't seem to understand she was expecting a miracle. Daddy could help her. Turn her into a full vampire. But mommy would have to be alive throughout the whole thing to be turned.

"Edward don't you ever wonder, If you hadn't come into my life. What my life would be like?"She asked. Mommy told me daddies face looked at her curiously. "Yes, I do, If I hadn't come into your life. You would not be like this, You would be healthy and alive". Daddies voice was very hard. Mommy started shaking. "No Edward you know are so pessimistic about everything, I am glad i met you, after all of this is over and you turn me, I will finally know i belong somewhere. So yes i might not be in the best state at the moment. But i know it will turn out well. Edward we will get through this". Mommy said. She sounded very confident. Daddy sighed again.
"So what will you do if this doesn't turn out right. You know where the fingers will point. At me. I am killing you. This is why I am dangerous to you, I knew somewhere down the line I would do something to kill you". Daddy shouted. "Bella, what I am trying to say is your body is only going to take so much, This thing.. Is too strong for you. You have tried to be strong through everything I have put you through. I admire your courage. Your strength and will. But please sweetheart, I nearly lost you once please don't let me lose you again". He said. I heard him kiss her head.

I moved to block this out. The guilt was eating away at me and daddy. I didn't want mommy to die. I could hear the pain in daddies voice. The desperate hope to steer mommy away from all this. "Please mommy". I whispered. Moving a little too hard.

"oh". I heard mommy say. I heard the house fill up again. "What happened". Rosalie and daddy voices were nearer so I knew they were crowding mommy.
"He kicked a little too hard this time". Mommy said. Laughing weakly. She was cradling me.

I heard the next few hours happen like this. Mommy was desperate to see if her thoughts were true. She was having a boy. But of course she wasn't. She had explained all of this to me, the dreams she told me about. She was saving this baby boy, his eyes were exactly like my daddies were when he was human. That is why she thought I was a boy.

"Come on Bella". I heard my granddaddy said. I was moving. I knew who was near me. I don't know how i knew but i had a sense of it. Like mommies stomach was see through and I could see slightly. I moved a little again. The position mommy was in was making it hard for me to breathe.
"Ouch". Mommy doubled over. Nearly falling. I had guessed daddy and Rosalie had grabbed her before she fell.

'Bella i can't see anything". I heard granddaddy sound worried and confused.
"Oh, are you sure you can't see anything". Mommy asked. She also sounded worried.
"I am sorry Bella the amniotic sac is too hard. It won't register anything". Granddaddy said.
"Don't worry Bella there is a way though". Granddaddy said.
"But it would involve an injection". Daddy said softly.
"No way".  Rosalie screamed. She held mommy tightly.
"Rosalie". Daddy said.
"Rosalie this could really help us to save Bella, please let us". Granddaddy said.
"No we won't". She shouted.
"Bella what do you think?" Daddy asked.
"No needles no injection". Mommy finalized it.

Daddy sighed again. "Now Bella we need to do a few more things so you just lie there for a few minutes". Granddaddy said.
I felt mommy move. I was sad my mommy couldn't see me. I could hardly move. I needed more room otherwise i would to die. Mommy was eating Ok right now. She could only manage small things otherwise she would be sick. I was making her very very ill. I couldn't take the food they were giving me. I needed something else. Maybe something closer to my daddies side. I wish i could of shouted to them what i could eat. This would make mommy feel better. I heard daddy tell mommy what she looked like right now. This only made me worst. I was killing her. I was right.

Mommy didn't look too bad right now. Except the pain which apparently made her face crease up. She was finding it harder to breathe because how fast I was growing and how much air i needed. Mommy wasn't getting much sleep so she had dark black rings under her eyes. Her face was apparently more whiter than usual.

Mommy had told me what was happening she had been talking to me since she got home. Mumbling to me more like. She told me it made my daddy a little uncomfortable if she spoke aloud to me.

She had said that granddaddy weighed her. Or me and they were worried because she was so big and still getting bigger. Mommies body wouldn't be able to take the strain for very long. Her lungs would most likely burst because of the pressure. Her heart would be working over time and it would eventually collapse. Mommy was crying when she told me this. "I never wanted to lose you i will not lose you i promised everything would be okay so far and it has been. Don't worry baby everything will be fine. I promise again. If the worst comes to it. Daddy will help us. I promise daddy will help.

I was also sobbing. I would cause all of this. I knew it would be serious. I wanted to scream at her to do what she had to do. Don't believe in miracles. They don't always happen. If there was a god and he loved everyone. Would he really want my mommy to suffer like this. Someone needed to tell mommy that this wasn't going to turn out right. This would end badly for everyone.

Mommy was eating again. She only had a little bit of food. But now she wasn't able to keep anything down. Granddaddy tried to give it to her in liquid form but it still wouldn't work. She couldn't eat at all. She hadn't moved at all since she was weighed and was told when i would come. I still had a little over a month.
Mommy also told me that she would get bigger and the room I am in will get a lot smaller. But I should be okay with it. I would try to be brave and not hurt my mommy. I would try to I wasn't promising anything.

Mommy was sick six times in the night. She had been restless all night. She was finding it harder to breathe and hadn't managed to eat a thing without throwing it back up. She eventually had nothing left to throw up so it was becoming clear sick. I heard mommy and daddy talking about it.
"Bella look at yourself, you are becoming very weak, you can hardly move. There is still time. Please i am going out of my head". I heard daddy. He was still trying to convince mommy to do something about me. I was causing her so much trouble yet she took it on like it was natural. She wasn't going to do anything at all. She would go through all of this so that i survived. I sobbed again. I was really sorry i really was. I wish i could do something. Anything to stop this happening.

"Bella sweetheart it is morning. Come on try to eat something". I heard my daddy say to mommy. Mommy was awake now. She leaned towards the food my daddy brought. "Thank you". She whispered. She couldn't do anything but whisper. She was losing her voice. By now she was enormous. Daddy hadn't seen yet because mommy was wrapped in the quilt.

I felt daddy sit on the bed where mommy was. "Oh Bella love". I heard daddy say. He touched mommies face. "Please don't do this. You don't have to be brave". Daddies voice was flat and pleading. He sounded so desperate. "Please Bella you look fragile". Daddy said. He held mommies hand.

I did ask my mommy what she looked like or what my daddy described her like. Here is what i know.

When daddy described mommy he said she looked fragile. She looked very fragile. Her face was thin and tired. She had deep dark black rings around her eyes. She looked very tired. Her cheekbones were noticeable, daddy said you could practically see them poking through. When mommy touched daddy, her hands were ice cold. She was no longer warm. Her skin on her face was a very pale yellow colour and it looked almost see through. She looked breakable. Mommy was struggling with her breathing. Granddaddy had to give her breathing apparatus every few hours. Granddaddy had to keep an eye on mommies heart beat. It was already starting to work too hard.

"Edward, bucket".I heard mommy say. Seconds later she was sick. Daddy sighed. That was all of mommies breakfast gone. "Bella are you ok now". He asked concerned. She didn't answer. I heard her start to cry. "Bella you don't have to do this". Daddy said He was hugging mommy.
"I do Edward I believe it will get better. I really do". She croaked. I didn't hear anything else for a minute. "Bella look at you, do you think i agreed to this when i married you, I love you. But you have to listen to me, no matter what you tell yourself, it isn't going to be okay Bella. That thing is killing you and all i can do is stand here and watch, you can survive this, It wouldn't hurt sweetheart". He said. He took her hands. "Please Bella, please". He pleaded.
"How can you wish your own child dead, no matter what happens. Maybe it was meant to end like this Edward. I don't think it will i know I will survive. I will be changed and we will raise our baby for eternity".Mommy said. She sounded angry but her voice wouldn't raise before it broke off.

"Morning Bella, do you want anything". I heard Rosalie.
"Rosalie can we move downstairs, I am getting kind of bored up here". Mommy asked.
"Okay". Rosalie said. "How is the baby today?" She asked. She also talked to me as well telling me what my family was like. This made me excited to meet them. No one else except Rosalie and mommy talked to me. Mommy described my daddy yesterday and my uncles and auntie Alice.

She said that Alice was my auntie, she is very beautiful and small yet pixie like. Her skin was flawless. Pale white but beautiful. She had golden eyes the same as my daddy and the rest of my family. Her hair was short jet black and stylish. Layers that poked out to the side. Mommy described it as pixie like. Then there was Emmett. Mommy said that Rosalie was married to Emmett. Emmett was the biggest built out of everyone. He had short dark brown hair and very muscular body. His skin was also flawless. He was tall and still beautiful. His wife Rosalie was quite tall. She had long curly golden hair, she sometimes tied it back but most of the time it hung around her body. Her skin was pale white and flawless yet she had very perfect cheekbones and most of the time wore make up. Rosalie stuck by mommy all the way. She wouldn't leave mommies side. I decided i liked Rosalie as well. Jasper was Alice's husband. He was tall but not as tall as Emmett. He had short curly blonde hair. His face was flawless and he also had perfect cheekbones. He was the youngest out of mommies family. He had a gift like Alice and my daddy. He could mess with people's emotions by making them feel what he wanted them to. Alice could see into the future although she was frustrated because she couldn't see me at all. Daddy could read people's mind, everyones except mommies and mine at the moment. Daddy wasn't very tall he was a little muscular. He had golden brown hair and golden eyes. He had thin cheekbones that were noticeable. All that was left to say was granddaddy and grandma. When mommy described grandma Esme i couldn't wait to meet her. She had caramel coloured hair with a heart shaped face. She had small yet delicate facial features. Her eyes stood out because they were loving and passionate about her family. She loved all of her family. She was married to Carlisle. Who was also very tall. He had blonde hair and golden eyes. He had thin facial features but he was kind and loved his family more than anything.

I was excited to meet my family. I couldn't wait to see them, if we got out of this alive. It wasn't looking great for us. I was making my mommy very ill and this made me depressed. I tried to stay still i really did but it was hard because i was so cramped. I did try. I was also becoming a little weaker i wasn't eating because my mommy was throwing everything i ate up. None of it was reaching me. I didn't mean for mommy to have this and be ill i wanted to meet her but it was selfish of me to think like this and put my mommies health at risk to live my own. I was selfish but i couldn't do anything. My mommy could but i couldn't so was i really selfish if i am helpless.

"Thanks Rose". Mommy said. She was apparently downstairs now. Everyone was keeping a close eye on her. Especially daddy and Rosalie. Mommy told me that the look on daddies face was killing her. He looked worn out. Very stressed and worried. He also looked a little bit angry. Why he had done this. Mommy said that he blamed himself for everything mommy was going through. He had very dark rings around his already purple eyelids. Mommy had told him not to worry but he wouldn't listen. She said he was counting down all the days, minutes and hours till mommy and me faded out and eventually mommies heart stopped. Mommy thought and said she was strong enough for this but daddy knew she wasn't especially when he was dressing her.

"Ok Bella lets get you dressed, Emmett gave me this for you".Daddy said. I couldn't see what it was. He helped her dress then he gasped.
"Bella what is this?" Edward shouted. "No don't try to cover it. Are they bruises?" He asked. I felt mommy move away. "Edward please don't". She shouted although it barely came out at all. "No Bella you aren't hiding away. When did they appear?" He asked angrily and painful. Mommy was shaking. "Edward please". She said she was crying because her voice was wobbly. "Bella does it hurt". He asked. I didn't hear her answer. But i think she nodded.
"Bella please let us do something look at this, you can't have this all the time, isn't this proof you aren't strong enough". This time his voice was soft and soothing. "Please don't worry this isn't anything to worry about. Edward listen to me". Mommy said she was upset and so was daddy.

"Carlisle, come here please". I heard daddy say. I heard granddaddy shuffle around the room.
"Please look at this". Daddy said. I felt him lift mommies top up a little bit. Granddaddy gasped too. "Bella i need to ask you some questions okay?". He said.
"Edward please lock the door so Rosalie doesn't come in". Granddaddy said. Mommy didn't say anything so i presumed she nodded.
Granddaddy pressed mommies stomach i could feel it a little bit. I leaned closer to it. Mom doubled over again. "Did that hurt Bella". Granddaddy said. "Yes". Mommy mumbled crying again. "Bella please let us do something. Now, before it is too late. Look at this, please Bella think about it. What is best for you?" Daddy said. "No Edward i think about what is best for our baby unless you forgot it is yours because you don't treat it like yours". Mommy shouted.
"I don't think anything of it when it is killing my wife, please for once don't be stubborn I am going to lose you. Do you know how it will be i will live hundreds of years with the guilt that i killed you". Daddy was shouting. "Hold it Edward". I heard granddaddy say.

"Bella when it kicks again will you squeeze my hand please". Granddaddy said. I moved around again just a tiny bit. Mommy jolted fast. "Ouch". She cried.
"Bella you don't need to be brave i can see how much you are hurting i just felt it, this is from a professional. Please listen". Granddaddy said. That was the end of the conversation.

"Bella do you want a drink or anything else to eat". Rosalie asked. Mommy was laying down on the sofa in the living room. "No thanks Rose i don't fancy being sick again". Mommy answered.
"Please Bella, love try eating something". Daddy said.
I heard voices and footsteps moving around. "Mommy was eating again. "Thanks". She said. She took a few spoonfuls and swallowed. It was soup again. I couldn't eat it and i refused it. Mommy was sick again and everyone sighed. "Never mind, looks like baby doesn't want food". Mommy said her voice sounded happy although it was very weak and hardly noticeable. I sobbed again. I was feeling more guilty by the minute. Mommy wouldn't last too long if i kept on rejecting the food. I couldn't eat it. Even my body didn't agree with it. Mommies heart was beating very fast. Her breathing was irregular a little worst than yesterday.

Mommy had fallen asleep on the sofa. All had gone quiet except the odd whisper now and again. I couldn't hear what they said. I moved a little bit but nothing happened. Daddy had shown the family the bruised. Granddaddy had rubbed cream on mommy. I felt it and it made me giggle a little bit. Mommy was sick again. Everyone was surprised and shocked at the bruises. They all stayed very close to mommy watching her every move.

Creation, Birth and Life of Renesmee CullenWhere stories live. Discover now