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Hello, can't sleep in the car to didney marissa here. Enjoooy. (edit: sorry for taking so long to publish this oof)


Jake POV

Today, while Y/N is at work, I decided to film something new, I wanted to switch it up a bit. Me and Albert had just downloaded a game, it was called Overwatch. It was a game by Blizzard entertainment. I heard it was a really interesting game, and seemed super fun to play. Albert had played it once while he was visiting a old friend from high school a while back, but I had never played it. I called Albert on discord, and started to load up the game. Albert answered, and a black screen came up. The words "Blizzard Entertainment" lit up on my screen for a mere 3 seconds, and then they disappeared. A monkey with a suit and glasses appeared on screen.
He coughs.
"Hello, agents of Overwatch. My name is Winston. As you know, the omnic crisis blah blah blah... we saved the world but then the government did something and they tore us apart, they called us criminals... blah blah blah.... we need you, will you help save the world? Join today... blah blah blah...." said the monkey.
Then, it put me in a tutorial screen as a dude with a big assault rifle thing. A girl with short, brown hair in a sort of "lesbian" style with orange pants rushed over.
"Heya lad! I'm Tracer. I assume you're new! Lemme show you 'round!" The lady says in an Australian accent.
I follow her and do what is told.
I just completed a tutorial, and then got sent to a loading screen, where a hero named "Junkrat" appears on screen. The man did a devilish laugh. I clicked 'play' and went into quick play, and played as the man I previously saw on the menu. Let's see how this goes. 


hello. so im currently in va. we just ate lunch at arbys. we're about to hit the border to north carolina i think. we got to go through the tunnels on the bridge near va, they were pretty coolio. i am listening to isle of flightless birds by twenty one pilots. self titled is a masterpiece and its underrated lol. ok bye, sorry for this being so short, im running low on ideas oof. have a good day byeeeeee. 

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