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Hyuna! Called my father in his surprised tone. He sounded sad as well. I don't know what happened but when I went there my father's face was pale yellow. His face turned lifeless as if he has seen some ghost.
What happened dad, I asked.
We lost Haruhi and Yushi.
Hearing this I went insane. My mind couldn't think of anything.
Tears fell from my eyes. I lost the girl I cherished the most.
Dad.....I'll kill these military dogs. I'll end this for once and for all. I rushed to take the laser guns which I invented myself.
Hyun! Stop! Said, my dad. But I don't care. I have to stop these people.

I went out. Started rushing towards that place where my girl was taken. My father was coming behind me and shouted which I ignored because today is the doomsday for military men. These assholes will die by my hands.
When I reached there, those people were drinking, there were around 15 people. Don't they have any emotion? They are drinking. How can they feel nothing after killing? This is absurd. I took my gun out.

Hyun:   You assholes. I'll kill you all. Today is the day you all die.

Military men:   Oh ya ! oh yea! Dirty filth talking big shit huh!

I started to open fire. people started attacking back, I doged   many attacks. Around ten people died by my hands. Suddenly someone pointed towards me and then my father took the shot.
I took my gun again and aimed at them. killed every single one of them.
Dad, are you all right?
Son let's go home first and then talk. Their backup must be on the way.
I took my dad and just rushed. Luckily I saw Mr. Yan, who lived on the same floor as us. He waved at me.
Uncle, help me. My father is injured. We need to rush.
Hyun, take my bicycle and go to your apartment. But what if it's robbed? said, kind uncle.
That won't happen, I asked your son to stay in before I left. Said my father who was half conscious.
Uncle, thank you for the cycle and I started pedaling as fast as I can. I have to reach home.

Jin! I knocked the door.
Jin opened the door and helped me to get my father inside. We placed him on the futon.
Dad! You will be fine. I'm sorry that because of my carelessness you are having the trouble. I'm just so sorry. Tears started to flow. Making their path to their love, to mingle with the ground. To be absorbed by it.
Suddenly, jin landed a punch on me. I took it quietly. Because of I know I'm at fault.
You bastard! What were you thinking? trying to be a hero. Do you think that you can change this dirty place? mind was blocked. I couldn't think of anything. Anger took over my mind. But I will definitely take revenge on these people. I'm going to destroy this whole system and that's for sure.

Do it, but don't stake the people who are there by your side. You cannot stake their life to get revenge for dead, said jin in his angry tone.
Suddenly my father started breathing heavily.
Jin, do something.
But suddenly, his breathing stopped and he laid on the floor, pale yellow.
Hyuna, it's a cardiac arrest. Bring the shock.
Jin, please save my father. You are my last hope. Please save him.

He gave shocks to him but his soul left his body. He was pale yellow. No sign of life on his face. He lost it. I lost him. It was my fault.
My mind is blank. I feel like banging my head on the wall. Hard enough to break it open.

                     5 years later
        *speech of Kim Hyun Joong*
My people, it's time for action. We will not forget the sacrifice of our dear ones. It's humiliating if we just sit and watch. It is more than enough that we lost our loved ones. We will not fight among ourselves. We have enough of resources. We just need to tap it from those modern class. We never know when they will attack us. Let's just wait for a right opportunity. We will soon do it. The mighty war. Modern vs semi-modern.
Yay...kill modern. Kill modern. Kill this system, shouted the angry crowd, people who lost their loved ones five years back.
Long live leader Kim. Long live leader Kim. Cheered the crowd who had nothing to lose.

We are one. Because we have learned our lesson, we don't fight amongst ourselves now. Because it is better to be united than divided. Unity brings victory. That's what we learned from the incidence that took place five years back. We are preparing for war against these cruel people. We will fight for our rights and will take revenge for our loved ones.

Since more than half the population was wiped out. There were just a few of us who were left. After killing the lowers and few people from semi-modern class, the military decided to kill all adults who reached the age of 60. This way they killed all the adults. They went inside each and every house in the building and killed all of them. We had a secret room in our building and we hid few adults in that room until this madness ended. There was no way out. How can anyone kill without thinking anything? Do they have no family? I despise these people. This military is watch dog of modern people.

The children were taken away as well. Children below the age of 10. All of them. Poor parents could not save their kids. This is the sacrifice my people made.

2 hours after the speech.
After I came back to my house, a knock came. I know who it was. I went to open it.
Mr. Kim! Our intel tells us that some girls were captured by the military in the incidence, five years back. And there's this girl named Yana who kind of look like our yushi. There's hope that she's alive, said Shinichi.
Find out more about her, I said while I felt a relief in my mind.
But! But!
But what, Shinichi?
Sire, they are asking for more money.
Give them as much as they want. Feed them with money. That's how they will tell us.
Yes, sire!
Saying this he bowed and left.

The revolution of 3000 was made to fight against the modern people. Where I started to gather people and bring peace to our place. Me and my team made many weapons that will help us win this war. This is a war of life.

I will find you no matter what. We are destined to live together. I will save the humanity, I will save you. The kids who were lost in the war. To all adults who could not see another day. To bring the doom to this system I will bring everything that is needed to bring you back. There's isn't a single day I missed you. I love you to heaven and earth, I'll find you even if you are in depths of hell. This is the promise of your Hyun. The boy you cherished the most have grown up into the leader of helpless. This is my words to you. The promise that will never fade.

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