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I cannot breathe. It feels as if something is choking me. It is just as I saw in my dreams. Someone is trying to choke me. I can't breathe.....
Suddenly I opened my eyes and I saw the girl I saved. I could feel that I'm covered with something warm. Something soft is underneath my body, it was a soft mattress, I felt weak but I tried to get up from the bed and all the flashback was coming to my mind. Whatever happened, I just took the girl's hand and started running from there, because I knew this is a dangerous place and we need to get back. Suddenly a man in the military suit reached the door and blocked our way. He was tall and handsome with emerald eyes and brown hair he was a foreigner. He was not the one who hit me. But he suddenly started walking towards me. I am walking back. Taking few steps back, I realized my back was on the wall.
Well, well. Where do you think you are going, he said in his heavy voice bringing his long face towards mine. Trying to reach my lips which belonged to none other than Hyuna. Then he stepped back. This is a relief. Phew. I sighed.

You are not supposed to leave this place. You are mine now and you are to follow my orders. You will be my slave. This is your destiny, he said when his dangerous eyes are fixed on mine. I cannot move. I am shivering. This man is giving me chills. What to do. I have to run.
You are still thinking to run away. Huh! I think you need a lesson. Well, I have a lot of time for this but I saved you and this girl. You Owe me your body. Now from tomorrow, you will be doing field work for me and what is your name?
Y..u...yushi came out of my mouth. I am still shivering. I cannot even say my name properly.
It's Yana. Your name from tomorrow is Yana. Don't even think of running away, if you try that you will be shot on the spot. Not by me but by other people. So follow me if you want to stay alive.
I am not staying here at any cost. The door is opposite to me, I kicked his balls and started running. As soon as I reached there, I heard a gunshot and it went right through my left arm. It hurts. It started bleeding.

This is what you get for running and the next shot will be right through your head, he said while leaving the room. He locked us in here.
That man is so dangerous. Very very dangerous.
What is your name? I asked the girl.
Stella is my military name, she replied in her cute voice.
What happened how did we reach here, I inquired. I thought she must know something.
We were being taken somewhere, in a weird vehicle. Those men who beat you were taking you in some room but suddenly big brother came and beat those two. And he took you and carried you to his room. This is his room and you were here since the last 2days.
The door suddenly opened and that guy is back. Speak of the devil.
He started coming towards me, grabbed my hand and made me sit on the bed.  He turned my face to the right side and suddenly he pulled the bullet out of my hand.
Ouch! Escapes from my mouth. He then applied a band-aid and the ointment and he started walking towards the door.
This is last time I'm forgiving you. Next time you do this, you will be dead for sure, he said and left.

Finally, the devil is gone.
Big sister, does it hurt? Asked little Stella.
A little bit, I smiled.

Stella? What about our parents?
They are all dead. Someone shot them, tears started rolling from her eyes.
Listen, I said. Don't worry, I'm going to take you out of this place. Trust me.
No sister, we can't leave this place. You see what happened to you. I'm not leaving this place, even if it's a hell for me, she replied.
well, I need to leave this place. I need to make space for myself here and then I have to leave quietly, without anyone noticing.
Stella, come here! Now listen to me carefully, I said while holding her hands. You should not trust anyone, not even that guy. Just trust me and do what they say but don't blindly trust them. Just stay away from these people.

Next day:
Some alarm started beeping inside the room. The whole room turned red, I think it is some alert. Stella and me, both woke up and suddenly found the man from yesterday.

Well well well, girls you have to wake up at 4 a.m every day and get ready, we will go going for physical training, which will last for 3 hours and you will get your meal at 8 a.m. you will get only 2 meals in a day and by spending your own money you can buy more. Your monthly payment will be decided upon your work.
I am General Sebastian Michaelis. And you are Yana and Stella, my personal assistant starting today. You will have to follow few rules here. If you don't follow these, you will die.

Rules of the military:
* Do not trespass any zoning area.
*Do not try to leave this place without permission.
*you are not allowed to speak until and unless asked for.
* Do not try to cheat in any activity.
* Anyone can challenge you for your position, you have to duel. You can challenge your superior.
* You will do as your superiors say. if  I say kill then do it.
* Never miss your training session or else you will be punished.
* Never talk back or else you will be punished.

You will be punished according to the degree of damage you do. You will be punished in different ways. Your body may be used or they may do anything as they see fit.
I, general Sebastian welcomes you to hell. You must have thought your life till now is a hell but now you see, you will think the opposite. Go and get ready, I'll escort you to your room.
He then came close to me and whispered in my ears, " if you don't follow and try anything funny, this girl will be punished on your behalf."
It gave me chills when he said this. I still have to leave this place along with this kid.
Here take this, he said while handing me a pair of shorts with a white t-shirt and a pair of sports shoes.
After changing, we started following Sebastian. There are thousands of room here. It must be the rooms of all members. Almost everyone was out of their room. There are so many people, their face pale and lifeless. As if they were being brainwashed here.

We followed him, it seems like a long walk. I wonder whether I'll be able to remember it or not. The place is vast and full of people.

Sebastian took his gun out and shot it in the air. Everyone became quiet.
Good morning, Sebastian started speaking. We will start today's training with the introduction of new members to the team. Yana, Stella, Shi, Mia, Tsuki, Minho, Rose and finally Tom.
So we will start today's drill. Form four lines and then start your run. 

Sebastian was leading the whole battalion. We are following him. 

Hey! I am Minho. A boy running next to me said.
He looked like a 17-year-old guy who has fair color. I wonder how can these people mix so well with the murderers of their family.

Hii! I said.
So how are you? He asked.
Not good. I replied. How can you expect me to be well in the place where we are hostages.

Well, I have a plan. Meet me tonight. We are running from here, he said.
Do you see my arm? I said
Well, I do. He replied.
This is the consequence of trying to run. And I'm not making the same mistake again, I said.
Okay! As you wish. If you want, meet me at 12 a.m.

We then learnt using the gun and fighting bare handed. I didn't know I was strong enough to bear all this. Well you won't know until you try.
Mom, i'll get your revenge. I'll definitely destroy this empire. Hyuna i'll meet you soon. I prayed and was going to sleep. But suddenly alarms started beeping. So I went out to see what happened.

Oh no! It's minho and this group. Those five are caught. Damn.
Phew! I didn't join , said Shi whom I met today morning.
What are they gonna do to them? I asked.
I'm not sure she whispered.

Well well well. These people are caught. We will stone them to death, said Sebastian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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