The Secret Begins

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(Lilly's pov)
( Lilly has brown hair and eyes and is only 18)                                                              

My mom said I need to get out more. Ugh 😑 I just want to go home.

3:40 wow how long have I been walking mabey at least 4 hours. Well it's time to go home. I started heading home until I saw a pet store. " I guess I can go an look for a second." I said to myself

" Hello." Said the guy at the front I looked at all the pets there were dogs cats  you know the usual. Then I came upon 4 little baby turtles. " Can I have these four turtles " I asked "
" Yes there just 5.99" said the guy I gave him the money and left with the turtles. About 5 blocks before is was at my house I heard this noise ( the same thing happened as in the show )
" Ugh what happened-" " aaaaaaaaaaaa" I'm a rat. I guess it could be worse I could be dead thank goodness my dad made me take ninja lessons ( I'm the best in my school) " Waaa waaa waaa" a baby's voice. I looked and looked till I saw that the 4 baby turtles are now human turtle babies. I quickly picked up all the babies and took them into a manhole. This will keep us safe. I started to look for food, but instead I found a place that could be our home ( it looks exactly like the place where they live on the tv show) I put all the babies on a couch. All the babes looked like boys.... wait a second this one this baby looks like a girl. Oh well now that they have settle down I'll go get some food.
Beside the baby's were weapons but Lilly didn't notice some how

While I was looking for food I found clothes for me and the baby girl. Wait I need to name them when I get home I'll name them. When I got back to our new home I saw all the baby on different weapons. I didn't know what to do so I just got them all off the weapons. I checked to see if they had any cuts but they didn't have any cuts I'm mean like any none at all. Maybe I can teach them when they get older how to be ninjas, but what about the girl. I thought as I looked at the baby girl, the only reason I was able to become a ninja was because of my fathers wealth. I know since all the other babies our boys me and the baby girl can be the only one to know that she's a girl.

One of the baby boys had purple/brownish eyes . " I'll call you Donatello . Or Donny for sort."

One baby boy had baby blue eyes and was not really still " I'll call you Michelangelo. Or Micky for sort."

And the last baby boy had green eyes " I'll call you Raphael. Or Raph fort sort.

And the last baby , the baby girl." I'll name you Lea as a girl but your brothers will know you as Leo short for Leonardo."

  And the journey begins..

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