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"everyday every night la ta ta-"

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"everyday every night la ta ta-"

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"And then he walked away without a word! Like he was glaring, he had this scary ass look on his face and omfg I thought he was trying to steal my book at first and-" DYLAN rambled as the trio left the library, basking in the 5 o clock golden hour.

The rays of sunshine enveloped all around it perfectly, shrouding everything and everyone in a golden light and warming their skin. The evening breeze was beginning to make an appearance, flowing through their hair causing light tangles in its path .

LEAN slung her arm over her smaller friend's shoulders, causing her to whine in protest and attempt to wiggle out of her grasp, eliciting a laugh from her 'captor'.

"At least he was helpful in a way! Meanwhile I had to deal with stinking CHORONG and the 2 bitchass bimbos." Complained LEAN, thinking back to her encounter earlier.

Ever since the incident years ago, things were different. LEAN had of course confided to her 2 friends about it, and they were nothing but supportive and always allowed her to rant about it.

"Well, at least I had a nice and productive work period." Smirked LAR smugly, causing DYL's face to scrunch up as she attempted to flick her.

"Nuh uh uh sweetie, nice try." LAR said, catching DYL's hand before it could reach her forehead before wrapping her other arm around her shoulders again.

"Guys I am NOT ;) your arm rest just because I'm short!" Exclaimed the girl sandwiched in the middle while the other 2 laughed. This was normal for them, walking acting around like absolute dorks.

They soon reached the car, all hopping into their seats. The warm May air gave them the privilege of rolling down all the windows, and even the sunroof, to cool off.

LEAN pulled out of the parking lot with ease, DYL happily looking out the window at the plethora of students still littered around the campus, LAR leaning her head on her head while closing her eyes in peace.

In the meantime LEAN took the liberty of using the AUX cord to put on LAR's favourite Dean playlist, the melodious sound of Bonnie & Clyde filling the car and spilling on to the street. Even LAR, who practically looked asleep at this point, was moving her head along to the beat.

The car ride was rather silent, it seemed everyone was content with not speaking and just relaxing for once. The sun began to set outside, its soft orange light coating the vehicle and the people inside.

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