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"cotton, wind, blow, blouse-"

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"cotton, wind, blow, blouse-"

- - -

The night passed uneventfully, and so did the next day, and thus it was Friday. Normally people would be celebrating, but not the girls in the LLD household.

The only thing prompting them to even get out of bed was the fact that the weekend was so close you could practically taste it, flavoured freedom and fun.

They all ran out of the house wordlessly, all having important things to do at school. LEAN of course hopped into the front seat and zoomed out of the driveway.

The early morning sunshine filtered through the windows, the sky not yet at its brightest, mimicking the tired girls who just wanted to get some sleep.

Not even in the mood for music, LAR sipped on the iced coffee she had made at home, the effects of caffeine still not reaching her head. She had spent the whole night after work studying for her stupid test, and was so done.

Finally they reached the school, everyone hopping out drowsily and waving goodbye to one another as they headed off to their classes or wherever they had to be.

- - -

LAR raced to her computer science hall, long black hair flying behind her and her bag almost falling off a few times. She reached the room with a sigh of relief, seeing her teacher sitting at the front.

She hopped up the flat stairs, slipping back into the seat next to SEHUN with a playful eye roll that he returned with a smile. At least she wasn't stuck next to some uptight nerd!

At that moment her professor began to hand out the tests and she held her breath as he approached, taking a final sip of her coffee and twiddling her pencil nervously.

"Good luck." She heard SEHUN whisper as a package of papers was placed on her desk.

"You too." She replied, turning to face the monster in front of her and flipping to the first page.

Bitch Id rather die.

- - -

2 hours had passed, and LEAN finished her photography course, which meant she was on her way to literature next.

She walked through the busy halls of the modern themed arts building, ignoring the sounds of music blasting from some hoes and filling her ears with her own.

Her class had gone well, peacefully messing around and trying to get into YOUNGJAE's practice shots as usual, and she was pretty content as she tried to make her way outside.

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