Chapter 1

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Jungkook’s POV

„Jeon Jungkook! Stop. Right. There!“

Those words let a chill run down Jungkook’s spine and he froze right in his spot.
Taehyung sounded really angry by now. Well, Jungkook would be too if he were in his shoes.

Not only did Jungkook break up with his sister yesterday but he also ran away feom him the whole day whenever he tried to approach him and to top it off, judged by the angle his voice came from he just shoved him hard enough to make the other fall to the ground in his attempt to escape.

Jungkook took a deep breath. Sooner or later he would need to face Taehyung anyway, so he’d better get it over.

He turned around and met the fuming eyes of his best friend. Maybe he should run after all! For his life!

But Jungkook knew that the kind-hearted Tae had his limits too and if he’d run one more time now he wouldn’t forgive him that easily.

That’s why instead of following his survival instincts he walked towards Taehyung, offering him his outstretched hand to help him get up.

Taehyung took it but didn’t let go of it once he was standing on his feet but dragged him with him to a deserted area behind one of the campus buildings.

When they reached a bench Tae sat down and pulled Jungkook down beside him. Jungkook wasn’t surprised that Taehyung still didn’t let go of his hand. The older always loved to have skinship with the people around him and Jungkook got so used to it he mostly didn’t really realise it anymore. Right now though Tae probably wanted to make sure he didn’t run away again.

Jungkook could hear a sigh besides him and felt some movement. When he turned his head he saw that Taehyung had draped his free arm over his eyes and leaned his back heavy against the bench. He knew his friend needed some time to collect his thoughts so Jungkook leaned back in silence too and waited for Tae to speak first.


Why did you break up with my little sister? Why did you not tell me first? Why did you run all day long from me? Why did you even go out with her when you hadn’t any feelings for her in the first place?
There were so many questions hidden in this single word and Jungkook didn’t have a good answer to any of them.

“I don’t know.”

Taehyung took his arm away from his eyes and looked at him, turning his head slightly to the left.


“Seriously Tae, I don’t know.” Jungkook caught his gaze and held it. “I didn’t know this was gonna happen. I thought we were doing pretty well but then yesterday your sister suddenly asked to talk, one thing led to another and before I knew what was happening we’d already broken up. And just to let you know, she brought up the break up first.”

“But why didn’t you speak to me? I mean if you just agreed to the break up it means you at the very least didn’t feel much for her. You should have told me that! Did you stay with her because of me? Because you didn’t want to make it awkward between us? God Jungkookie! What should I do now?”

“It’s not like that! Like I said, I thought we were doing pretty well. I only realised in our talk yesterday that something was wrong. Or more like missing?”

It was the truth but it still felt like a lie somehow. Mainly because he didn’t tell Taehyung everything that happened the day before. He conveniently left out the part where Tae’s very own little sister made him realise that Jungkook didn’t love her but Taehyung himself.

Jungkook had been in denial first but had to accept the fact in the end since it made sense in a lot of ways. It explained why he always looked way more forward to meeting up with Tae than his sister, why he enjoyed a simple talk with his best friend more than a date with his girlfriend and why most of his topics he talked about with her were concerning her brother in some way. Explained why Jungkook’s heart sometimes sped up unexplainably when they were goofing around together and got too close. Or why he caught himself sometimes staring at the other's lips asking himself how they'd feel.

No, Jungkook wasn’t going to tell any of this to Taehyung. He didn’t need to know that his best male friend was crushing on him like crazy.

That’s also the reason why he couldn’t tell Tae that it was actually his little sister that broke up with him, giving him the thumps up to date her brother even. That she told him to pin him down and state his feelings clearly since her stupidly nice brother wouldn’t get the meaning of Jungkook’s feelings right otherwise.
Jungkook could feel his heart tumble; a light version of the turmoil he had the day before when he first imagined himself pinning the other down.

“Are you okay?”

“Huh?” Tae’s voice had snapped him out of his daydream but he didn’t catch on with his words right then.

“I was only concerned about my sister, you know since she’s my little babygirl, but she seemed pretty all right with the whole situation. I didn’t even ask how you are feeling... Are you okay?”

Jungkook threw one of his famous wide smiles at him. “I’m all right! Oh my~ I have such a nice friend... If only the brother of my ex was as understanding as you!”

Tae choked out a laugh and screwed his elbow into Jungkook’s side. It hurt but not as much as the pang he got realising how he could have been so blind all this time not recognising his own feelings until yet that were so clear to him now. And surely not as much as the second pang he got realising he would never be able to act on them.

He wouldn’t even tell him about it. Hell, he would make sure not to let it slip! He planned to stay close with Tae for the rest of their lives and them knowing one out of two was drooling over the other wasn’t helpful to accomplish that goal.

Jungkook knew that Taehyung wouldn’t make big of a commotion over him being gay, he probably wouldn’t say much to his best friend eying his ass either; he was way too kind-hearted for that. But exactly that kind heart was why Jungkook would never tell him anything.

Because Tae would feel guilty. Guitly, because he couldn’t reply those feelings and make his best friend suffer. He then would stop to speak about his own crushes, would start to hide his dates and mind his words. And even though Jungkook wasn’t exactly keen on hearing about his love interest’s crushes he feared even more that Tae started to hide things from him. Really important things to Taehyung that he wouldn’t share with him anymore out of fear he could hurt his friend.

Jungkook also couldn’t bear the thought that Tae would start to watch what he said. Taehyung always blabbered on everything that was on his mind, often not making a lot of sense but he never even once minded what he told Jungkook since he knew the other would accept anything he heard. If he started to choose his words there was going to be a lot of things he’d never say. It would inevitably create a wall between them and they’d start to drift apart.

No, Jungkook wouldn’t risk that. He wouldn’t tell Taehyung about his feelings.

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