Chapter 3

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Taehyung’s POV

It had already been four months since the big confession and things had finally gone back to normal.

The first few days had been awkward as hell, especially because Jungkook tried to give Taehyung some space, making sure not to touch him so he wouldn’t get uncomfortable. It was pretty stupid since Tae was someone to feel reassured by touch and proofed this by seeking contact every chance possible.

After around two weeks Taehyung couldn’t stand it anymore and dragged him to a bar.
Way too much alcohol and some heartfelt talks  (none of them could remember fully) later, they woke up with the worst hangover ever, but cuddled up next to each other just like they used to all these years before. Since they've been small kids they slept in the same bed and just kept that going. There was nothing sexual to it but it felt right to be so close to each other.

They found back to their normal routine and acted like nothing much had changed.

Right now Taehyung was sitting in Jungkook’s dance practice watching amazed how the new kid Kookie had mentioned gracefully moved from one end of the room to the other, making it seem as if gravitation was inexistent to him. No wonder Jungkook had praised him so much.

“He’s good, right?”

Taehyung hadn’t noticed how Jungkook approached him because he was too captivated by the dance in front of him.

“Totally! How can it seem so easy to dance like that?”

Jungkook chuckled. “Talent and a whole lot of practice. The dude works his ass off practicing, it's really admirable especially when he's already got so much talent to be good without training. But he doesn't go for less than perfect.” That made Taehyung smile and look up.

“You’re next in line to show your solo performance, right? Ready to kick his perfect ass?”

Jungkook smiled mischievously and winked at him. “Always.”

They laughed together and Taehyung enjoyed the feeling.

Shortly after Jungkook started to stretch and warm up. Taehyung was surprised that even though Jimin was still dancing with the same beauty in front of him his gaze kept wandering to Jungkook. The light shone down on his dark brown hair and gave him a nice glow. His dark eyes were lightened up and Taehyung notice just how beautiful they were. Actually the whole man was really handsome.

Until yet he had never paid close attention. Of course he could have drawn Kookie’s features with closed eyes but he never thought about whether those features were nice or ugly. Right now he had to say they were really beautiful. Jungkook was without a doubt a handsome man.

And this image got even clearer when he got on the dance floor after flashing Tae a smile. His moves had a totally other feel to them than Jimin’s, but they were just as gorgeous. Taehyung couldn’t tear his eyes away.

After Jungkook finished his performance, Taehyung expected him to walk up to him but Kookie was stopped by Jimin who approached him with a high-five that turned into an embrace. Taehyung couldn’t explain why this irritated him so much. It’s not like Kookie had to put him first just because he came to watch! After all he just barged in his territory and decided to stay so of course he should interact with his dance colleagues first. Why would it bother him?

Because it always had been like that.
Kookie had always put him first. Taehyung had always told him to go over and talk more with his hyungs and ultimately Jungkook would have given in to his nagging but whatever he did, Tae came always first in his mind.

What bothered Tae right now was that even though it may have been Jimin to approach the younger, Jungkook hadn’t even glanced his way once, yet.

Was he really that much of a pity person to not want to share his friend? No, that’s definitely not what he wanted to be. Jungkook had every right to gain as many friends he wanted since he was the most precious person on earth!

And when Kookie decided to open up and befriend this Jimin guy, then Taehyung would give his best to do the same.

And if he had to move mountains to achieve it but he would become Jimin's friend!

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