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That smile..said so much to me. My heart was beating out of my chest, out of all the days I get caught by some stupid act. "Sweety, I don't have patience for this. So can you answer my damn question!?" He yelled. I jumped in fear as he raised his voice, I swallow down air, and spoke," My name is Mina Miranda. I'm a high schooler, at saltwater high.." I was interrupted by one of the men. "Aye, boss. We can use her, for you know. She'll make a fine price when the bidding would start..." Before he could even finish his sentence, the main guy had punched him in his jawline. Making him spit up blood. My tears fell as if they were a water fall, my adrenaline kicked in. My mind was telling me to run, but I knew that I would get killed or make the situation worse.

"Listen here, if you think of her that way. Your head is gonna be delivered to your wife and kids by my own hands, so I'll be very fucking wise for the words you chose next time!?" The man shook his head in agreement. The other three men nodded there heads in sync. I look around, frightened to what would happen to me. The main guy came and introduced himself to me," Sorry for all of this mio caro, but my name is John Williams." He grabs my hand, softly and places a soft kiss.

I didn't know what was more confusing, my heart flattering while he did that or I'm beginning to calm down in the manner. "Well M-Mr. Williams y-you wouldn't hear my name around. I-I won't say anything about this event." I spoke frantically, I really wanted to go home and get back to my normal life! John laughed, as if I said something that amused him,"Oh Mina, I have so many plans already for you, and you don't even know it yet." He paused for a moment, and his whole appearance seemed to changed?

His eye's softened, his whole body relaxes and his attitude toward me became more sweet and nice than what he was treating him men. "Mina I will let you go. But I have one condition though." My eyes widen in happiness but also frowned upon what else he was gonna say? "I want to continue to see you. I want to get to know more about you, I'll see you every other weekend. I'll take you out to wherever you want to go, okay? And mio caro, I'm not taking a no for a answer. " My heart did kinda dropped, but I kinda do see it as a payment type thing..right?
And I didn't even have a choice so, I'll just agree to it.


The next day, was normal as ever. Except for my parents, they knew that this big mafia family came back into town. They don't talk much about them, like they would try to keep the subject to themselves and would talk privately about it. Kinda odd? Also, ever since last night they've been on edge on where I've gone too or whom I'm even going out with. It getting annoying but I see where there coming from, just being a concerned parents, I suppose.."Hey mom! And father of mine. I'm gonna go to school now!" I scream as I yell out the door and I don't wait for them to answer. I ran to my best friends car, Ryan and Faith. They've been my best friends since preschool. Pretty lit times. Ryan was bi, but secretly, he didn't know how to tell anyone or even how to come out to his parents. Makes me upset that he's afraid of the rejection that they'll give him, and Faith was the wild one. The one who helped me through so much, and always got me into shit that I never thought I would ever do. But, I love her to death though, she's the sister that I've never had.

As I entered the car, they both scream hey! "Well isn't it both my favorite peoples in the whole world!" I say sarcastically. Faith pinches my arm,"Aye you whore! We are your only favorite people, there is no 's'!" Faith tells, and Ryan laughs. I smacked him in his chest," Watch it buddy, I'll hit you where the sun will no longer shines!?" He puts his arms up in surrender, "Well Mina, I'm still kinda a virgin and I want to use it one day and I'm driving so could I focus on it or we'll all die?!" He laughs. I sigh in amusement, Faith taps my shoulder to tell me something, "So..have you heard?" I frown on what she was talking about, "Well from my facial expression, I think it should tell u something, right?" I laugh nervously.

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