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John POV
My world was completely destroyed when I saw her, bleeding out. The only thought that had came into mind was to kill. The rage that I felt was unbearable for me to contain within me, she was alive but was unconscious but there was no time to waste, I grabbed her and placed her on the island in the kitchen and began to fix up the wound. I cursed under my breath for what they have done to mi amor. Why would they attack her? And how in the fuck did they even get inside of my own house?! Where in the fuck were my security guards at, why weren't they doing this whole time? I have so many questions about my staff, and they will pay either with their lives or their loved ones. I will not show no mercy.

Within seconds I had Chad call my doctor to check if she is going to make it, he's been working with me for years now, his loyalty to me is rare. "Vieni a casa mia per favore, amore mio è stata colpita dalla fottuta folla russa e onestamente non so cosa fare e sono così vicino ad avere una follia omicida ?! fretta!" I screamed at the phone. Then the doctor answered, "Ok, ok. calmiamoci. Sarò lì a breve con il mio equipaggiamento, fino ad allora tenere la ferita con la pressione in modo che non sanguini e muoia su di te. ci vediamo fino ad allora." Chad had came by my side, trying to have a bro moment but I wasn't having it. Mina was injured and my head was only focused on her. My little angel, pure of innocents. And I exposed her to this and I feel terrible. I must send her away, far away from me so she doesn't get hurt by me, tears was slowly coming but luckily the doctor came in rushing to see what he was dealing with. "Alright move to the side Mr. Williams." He asked; I saw him peeling the cloth that I had that was wrapped around her leg, the blood flow was very crucial. I walked out of the kitchen to calm myself but with the thoughts that I was having, I needed something more. I walked to my barroom to get some rum and coke, not strong for me but will keep me contained.

3 hours later..

The wait wasnt cutting it for me. I hate the waiting process, no one was telling me shit. The doctor was still looking after Mina, Chad had gone home to his girl and kid and I'm here, alone. Shortly after that minutes that have passed, the doctor had came in and sat down at the bar. He seemed tired, but worried was in his eyes. "What's going on with Mina?" I asked softly. 

He sighed, " Well the good news is that she's alive and well but there was alot of blood loss so she's going to be put to bed rest for some time just so her body is healing well. I also have her pain meds for now but as soon she wakes up she has to take them twice or more depending upon her pain rate. Alright?" I chugged my drink. My head, I had began to feel fuzzy. "Alright doc, thank you so much for helping her." He smiled, "Anytime John."

I lead him out of the door, shook his hand and watched him getting into his car. My mind was racing on how she was. Will she hate me now? Will she look at me like..I'm a monster? I am a monster in others eyes, I adore it. But for her, I want her to look at me much more than that, why I do the things that I do. I was made to be a killing machine and at the beginning of time I began to like it. The power that I had over many lives. Mi amor. I began to walk to her room where we had laid her, I watched her peacefully sleeping with no pain, but the wounds that she had would effect her. It's not a pretty thought to know that you were targeted for a kill and damn nearly died from it, I shook my head from the thoughts and proceeded to walk in her room. Grabbing a chair near me just so I can sit right beside her.

I gently grabbed her hand, her hands were small and delicate. Soft. Her nails were long but not too long, I began to rub my thumb again her knuckles. I had began to whisper to her," I am so sorry Mina. I don't know what to think at the moment...I feel like I'm the one who should be blamed for all the things that have happened to you since you have moved in with me. I loved how you stood up to your parents and telling them that you deserve better, so you left. And I was your salvation. But you being a fucking target now will create problems with you..or us. I need you Mina. I have never felt this way before but you, you've made me feel so much more. You've given me peace in a world full of war and bloodshed, and I am so greatly honored for you doing so."

I slowly felt myself cry, quietly in front of Mina, " But I feel like you don't deserve me at all but I'm a selfish man and I can't let you go now. I need you Mina. I want you to be my first love, and love that I can charish, be proud of. I want you to be happy with me without having to do anything that I have to do or feel that you are being pressured too, you will not be involved with the bullshit that I have to deal with on a daily basis, please Mina. I dont want you to leave. Don't go." I sighed quietly and began to wonder what would she do when she wakes up...I lay my head at the edge of the bed and fell again beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2019 ⏰

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