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Faith rambles on about John, the scary mafia guy. The way he acts torwads me kinda intrigues me, it makes me wonder if all of the men in the Mafia business are really like that? Do they really have hatred in their hearts, do they crave pain...blood from others? "MINA! Are you even listening?!" She yells. I pop out of my train of thoughts and focus on what Faith was talking about, "What's up? I'm sorry, I was in my thoughts again." I admit honestly.

Faith just sighs softly, "Look, I think Mr. William's has..a thing for you. And before you even deny me just hear me out okay? Ever since he got here, he always had this look when you came near him. Just like that class, he was different. He seemed calm, or at some type of peace with the atmosphere around him. It's odd because there known to be ruthless and dangerous criminals- " Before Faith could continue on what she was saying about them I cut her off. "Faith! I know what he is and what he does, believe me I know. But you just can't judge someone else life that you aren't even aware of, and you shouldn't be like this either, if you want to know what or even why he does this, then why don't you fucking ask him yourself! " I yelled loudly. I never got this mad before, nor was it even normal of me to yell.

I looked around to see if anyone heard me, and I saw so many eyes on Faith and I. Embarrassed of my actions, I left the classroom, allowing my legs to take me away from this school. I pulled my phone out to call my mother, she answers within the few seconds. "Yes daughter of mine?" I hold my breath before I have a break down while I'm on the phone with my mother, I cleared my throat before I could speak to her properly, "Could you call me in, I-I had a accident?" I lied. I never really lie but I do when I'm stressed or need to get away for a bit. "I knew it! You were gonna start soon! Lately you've been grumpy or moody Judy with me and your father. But yeah sure, I'll call them right now.  Love you sweety!"

I smiled at my mother's words, and hung the phone up. I went to my locker, packed up some of my book and binders that I have to take for homework. I saw Ryan's figure walking up on me, "Hey! Where you going?" He asked. "Oh, I'm just going home early, I'm not feeling it anymore for school so I called my mom if I could go home and she allowed it." I smiled sheepishly. I knew it was a fake smile, a fake, plastered smile that held so much behind itself. Ryan smiled back,"Well I hope that your feeling okay or well, I guess. I'll text you later okay? Byeeee!?" He says as he brags out bye. I waved, till I could no longer see him.

I sighed. How much can I take within the day without wanting to have a huge ass break down? How can someone go on with there day, and not want to cry or get mad? The thoughts made me worried to the point where I quickly packed my stuff from my locker and began walking out the school even more faster. My bed was in my head, but I remembered that I dont have a car, and I would have to walk about a good two miles to my house. Sometimes I wished we lived in a normal house, instead of a huge fucking mansion.

As I'm beginning to walk away from the school,  a voice called me out. I began to look around to see whom it was but to see now one, I continued to walk to I saw a black motorcycles blocks me off. I jump in excitement and the guy or girl takes off the helmet to only reveal, John. He fixes his helmet hair then sending me a smirk as if I'm interested to his damn hair. "Sweetheart, where are you going?" He asks.

"Oh I was gonna walk home, I got out early today. And why are u out early,  Mr. Transfer Student?" I asked sassy. For some reason,  I act differently towards him. As if I'm comfortable with  being around him, even though I would have to go on dates with him as for the payments. My subconscious thought it was bad, but my heart thought it was great. "Well neonata (baby girl), it's gonna be boring day without you there. I like looking at beautiful people especially when I'm... interested into them." He said with a husky voice. My face was on fire, my stomach was flipping around.

He smiles,"Come. Hop on, I'll give you a ride home." I cleared my throat, and finally spoken. "Yeah, sure. I suppose that wouldn't hurt, I guess?" He lend me his helmet, "I don't want you hurt so, I'm gonna give you mine till I another one, okay?" In shock I yell," Why in the hell would you give me yours?! You need one too you know!?" He chuckles at me, "Look, it's cute when your mad but I won't live a day of your dead, so I'd risk my life just to see you live yours, and I say that with honor neonata (baby girl)." His eyes, meant something that totally changed my conceptions about Mr. Williams. He does have feelings and fears. I gave him a calm smile, "Thank you." I said shyly. I adjusted the helmet to my head properly, John hops back into the bike. I adjusted my body against his, and boy did I feel so many muscles through his shirt. He looks back, "Let's ride out, amore (love)." He says. I had a feeling that something was going to happen and I don't think I'm gonna be prepared for it..

What did you guys think of it? Good? Bad? Lmk in the comments and tell me how you feel about this John guy do u trust him? Is he safe to say that he could protect himself and his reputation from being attracted to Mina?

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