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It had been a year since Harry had died and only three months since me and Merlin started to date. I spent most of my morning trying to sleep in, but being with Merlin made it hard to do so.

"Love it's time to get up." Merlin said as he gently shook me awake.

"Five more minutes." I groaned as I rolled on my side.

"If you get up I'll make Pancakes and biscuits." He whispered in my ear.

"Damn you for knowing my weaknesses." I groaned as I set up.

"Well damn you for being so cute." He said with a chuckle as he pecked my lips.

I hummed happily as he pulled away and left the room so I could change. I smiled as I set up and changed into a white bitten up shirt and a black skirt with heels. I put my hair into a pony tail and walked down the stairs to see Merlin cooking. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned up to his peck his lips. I smiled as I pulled away from him and set the table. I watched as our dog, Arther, came running down the stairs and onto the couch barking.

"Think someone has to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." I said as I grabbed the leach.

I smiled as I took him out and then walked back inside and set at the table with Merlin and ate. After eating we left for work and I smiled as I started to type on my computer. After awhile I left to check on Eggsy. I laughed as I saw him training with Foxy.

"You two are like two year olds." I said with a laugh.

"Hey what's up Morgana?" Eggsy asked with a smile.

"Nothing, I was coming to see what you guys Where up to." I said with a smile.

"Training as normal." He said with a smile.

"Have fun with that you morons." I said laughing as I left the room.

I made my way through the hallway and stopped as I saw a picture of Harry and my parents side by side.

"I miss you Harry." I said with a sigh.

I made my way to Merlin's office and smiled as I pecked his lips.

"What's going on?" I asked softly.

"Not a lot. Though I do have a meeting. So I need to go. You can leave early today, I'll see you at home." He said kissing me gently.

"I'll be waiting." I said happily.

I watched him walk out of the room and I smiled as I made my way over to my desk and finished up my reports before leaving for home. It was late before Merlin came home and I smiled as I started to cook supper. He walked up behind me and pressed a kiss to my neck as I leaned against him.

"Hello beautiful." He said with a smile.

"How was work?" I asked turning in his arms.

"After you left it got kind of boring.... also I missed doing this." He said as he pressed his lips to mine and pulled me against him.

I smiled as I pulled away and got back to cooking, after we ate I went up and changed into one of his long shirts. I smiled as he knocked on the door before coming into the room and kissing my forehead.

"I love you." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled softly as I pecked his lips and climbed into bed.

It was a week ago that Merlin told me he loved me and it was a week ago that I didn't say it back. He told me he understood and he would wait until I would say it back, but with each time he said it the words became real. It was hard for me to tell him that I loved him, because I was scared to say it. I tried to show him with everything I did that I cared about him, but I know that he is waiting for the words like I'm waiting for my fear to disappear.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a alarm going off. I quickly stood up and watched as Merlin changed into his clothes and I ran into the bathroom and changed. I pulled my phone out and quickly called Eggsy and made sure he was okay. I gave him a place to meet us and quickly made my way down stairs. I slipped my shoes on and left with Merlin to the safe house. I let out a sigh as I walked around the safe house. When I made it to the room that Merlin and Eggsy was in they told me that we where going to Kentucky.

"Great." I said with a sigh.

"It will be alright love." He said pecking my lips.

I let out a sigh as I wrapped my arms around Merlin's waist and closed my eyes.

"Wait you two are together?" Eggsy asked as he walked into the room.

"Yes we are together." I said softly.

He smiled softly before letting out a sigh. I smiled at him softly as I pulled away from Merlin and walked away. I pulled out the picture of Harry and my parents and let out a sigh.

"I miss him too." Eggsy said sitting beside me.

"I really wish he was here.... I could use his help." I said taking a drink of whiskey.

"Same.... He always seemed to know what needed to be done." Eggsy said as he poured him a glass.

"How was dinner with the parents?" I asked with a smile.

"I hav never been so scared in my life." He said with a laugh.

"Well Merlin is lucky... he won't have that problem." I said with a smile.

"Lucky bastard." Eggsy said as we both started laughing.

I smiled as I stood up and patted Eggsy back before leaving to get some sleep. The next day we made our way to Kentucky to find the Statesman.

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