"Nice to meet 'cha...pal..."

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"Gah! Stop! Please!" You beg for mercy, but the bullies wouldn't stop. Lucky enough, something made them fall back, you wonder in confusion though. You look around to see who this mysterious person was that helped you, but no luck. You look at the time and see that class is about to start, you get up and head to class. As Language Arts (ELA) class started, you wondered throughout the entire period on who that person was. Was it even a person? Was it a magical wizard from those weird stories you've read? When school ends, you start to head home. When you reached your house, you sat on your bed and took out a book called...called...well you can't read it because the book is all torn up and ancient looking. You decide to open up the book starting on the first page only to see a map. A map where it leads to this imaginary place in Mt. Ebbot. You read the story and you deeply fall into the story as if your eyes were glued to the pages. You finish the book 'till you see blank pages and wonder why. You close the book and then closed your eyes, you were tired from a long day today. You fall asleep...then you fell into R.E.M. Sleep.
It's morning and the sun is in your face. You wake up and hope it's Saturday (or Friday depending on your school schedule), but then you check the calendar and sigh, "Crap, Wednesday...". You get up out of bed and you get dressed, eat, and went to the school bus. You tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone and so you decide to sit in the back all alone. When everyone got off the bus, a few minutes later, you got off and all the buses left. No one was there. You start walking into the school building until you hear something, "Hey kid .  .  ." You freak out, thinking someone is going to bully you. "Don't you know to greet a new pal ? .  .  ." You get confused by what they mean. "Turn around and shake my hand  .   .   ." You did as you were told and shook their hand, it was all inky...and slimy. You get disgusted. "What you've never felt ink before? I'm Sans, Nightmare Sans but you can just call me 'Nightmare' if you'd like" You tremble as you can't believe a real-life Sans is talking to you.
"W-W-Wait, were you th-the one that helped me from my b-bullies?..."
"Yeah, you were just in distress and I don't know, you just seem like an easy target and I didn't want them to take you from me.

Edit: I changed up the words so the grammar is better, glad y'all like this! :D

Nightmare Sans x [Male] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now