Phone Call To The Soldier

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The red telephone rung and shook side to side. Gun fires were heard and somebody with dirty hands answered the phone.

"Who?" The person asked, his voice hoarse from shouting and screaming.

"I need to speak to Mr Kropp" a female said from the other side.

"He'll be right with you, ma'am"

There were sounds of fun fires, bombs and vehicles as the war went on. The officer put his arm out and called Mr Kropp. Mr Kropp placed his phone down and ran through his trench. He climbed up the wooden ladder which was fixed into the dirt and ran through no mans land until he got to the officer. Only a few bullets hit him but thankfully not where it could kill him. He walked to the telephone and picked it up, speaking.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Honey, I've got some good news..." the female said from the other line.

"What is it?"

There was a moment of silence and a rustling sound. She finally spoke.

"We're having a new born baby" she said excitedly.

Mr Kropp gasped. He already had two sons. One was 3 and the other was 5. He really hoped for a daughter so the boys can have a girl to play with whilst he went to war and their mother did all the house work. He didn't want another son. A huge smile plastered on his face and he spoke again.

"I'll leave early to see the bundle of joy. I will find a way to leave" he said joyfully.

"Alright. Love you honey" she said.

"Love you too"


"Bye-" the call ended.


Mr Kropp ran back to the trenches just as the bullets stopped. He sat down and rid the smile on his face. The soldiers lay in the mud. He laid down in a circle like a cat and shivered as he slept.

~~November 21st 1997~~

He arrived at the hospital, his war uniform still on. He walked to the desk and slammed his hands down on the wooden surface as he ran out of breath. The nurse looked at him.

"May I help you, sir?" She asked.

Mr Kropp gave a quick nod and inhaled quickly.
"I'm here to see Mrs Kropp. I'm her husband" he said.

The nurse returned a smile to him and handed him a slip of paper.

"She's in room 59, first floor" she said and Mr Kropp thanked her.

He ran up the stairs and through the white halls, to the first floor. He ran to room 59 and calmed down. He placed a dusty hand on the shiny door knob and twisted it slightly. He opened the white door a little and peeked his head in. In front of him he saw his beautiful wife with a baby in her arms, smiling and talking to it.

"Daddy is going to love you..." she said happily before noticing the door was slightly open.

Mr Kropp opened the door fully and stepped inside with a friendly smile on his face. He walked to the hospital bed and sat on the chair next to his wife's bed. He placed his hand on hers and rubbed her pale knuckles.

"How are you hon?" He asked as calmly as he could.

"I'm alright... tired... but alright... our son was born at 7am today" she said with a smile.

"Must be an early bird" Mr Kropp said with a chuckle.

The baby reached a tiny hand out of  the little white blanket and wrapped its tiny fingers around Mr Kropps index finger. Mr Kropp chuckled and kissed its delicate hand.

"Is it a girl?" He asked.

"No... the boys have another brother" she responded tiredly.

For some reason, Mr Kropp felt anger fill his body as he looked at the baby. He wanted a daughter! But he can't make her give birth to a a girl! He didn't show his anger as it banged inside of him, trying to get free and just hit it. He couldn't hit the baby. Not in front of his wife... what to do... what to do...

"What's his name?" He asked, a little calm.

"Emerson Barrett Kropp" she said and looked up at him with a tired smile.

Well Emerson will wish he was never born! Mr Kropp thought...

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