We're gonna search!

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A/N: Now I don't really know what "Wattys18" means but I still entered it because I've got five (now six) published chapters.
Ps: this chapter may be short x


Remington ran outside to Sebastian and placed a hand on his shoulder. The strong wind blew his hair all over his face and he was panting like a dog.

"He's not in the house... I've looked everywhere... even his hiding places!" He said sadly and out of breath.

Sebastian groaned and turned to Remington. Remington kept his hand on Sebastian's shoulder and it soon moved around to his other shoulder as he side hugged him. He rested his head on his shoulder.

"We're gonna find him...-"

"We'll go right now" Sebastian said.

"Sounds like a plan"

The two nodded and ran out of the garden. They ran down the wet street, their clothes getting soaked in the process. They stopped in front of the school gates and looked around. They stopped and Sebastian gasped a little.

"Emerson said he loved roses, right?" He started.

"Yeah? So what?"

"So Roses are in the forest. He must be there!" Sebastian said.

"Good idea! Let's go!"

They ran down the street and past roads. They ran past lots of people until the paths got emptier and emptier. Remington's hair started to stick to his face as he ran fast. Sebastian was in the running championship at his sports club so he was okay.

Soon, they skidded on their heals as they came to a stop. Remington fell to his knees, panting and trying to breathe normally again. Sebastian knelt by him.

"We'll find some clues from him. It won't be easy but we'll find him..." Sebastian said.

"Promise...?" Remington said on the verge of tears.

"I promise Remmy"

Sebastian pulled Remington close and rubbed his back in a soothing way. He hummed a little of their song "can't stop the rain" and calmed Remington down as the rain stopped.

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