- Chapter Four: I want him dead -

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I awake the next morning feeling emotionally drained. I look at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. God, I look awful, my cheeks are red and blotchy from crying myself to sleep and my hair is a tangled nest. Sighing in defeat I remove my clothes from the previous day and step into the warmth of the shower, the hot water instantly calming me, my muscles relaxing. After washing myself I step out of the shower and dress myself for the day ahead, applying little makeup to make myself look more presentable, I smile at my reflection in the mirror.

"You can do this." I tell myself as I make my way to my bedroom door.

I head down to the kitchen, my only mission being to make myself a big cup of coffee, as I pour the coffee into my cup I hear someone approaching.

I stay silent as Damon walks past me, pouring himself a cup of coffee and joining me at the dining table, the tension grows as neither one of us speak.

"Do you hate me?" I whisper as I avoid looking at him, I feel his gaze fall on me.

"No, I could never hate you, Kris." he speaks confidently making me breathe out in relief. "Anyway if I hate you then that leaves me with goody two shoes Stefan and that cannot happen, you are way more fun." he grins at me as I look to him making a huge smile appear on my face.

"No, we wouldn't want that for you, Damon. You'd become boring too." he smirks as Stefan speaks up.

"You know I can hear the two of you." he steps into the kitchen as he speaks with a smile "but I'm glad you two are all made up."

I nod, "me too."

Damon nudges me as Stefan pours himself a cup of coffee "Three, two.." as Damon counts down Stefan brings his mug closer to his mouth "one." Stefan calls out in pain, hissing as he spits the coffee out of his mouth burning.

"Damn it, Damon!" he groans in pain as Damon chuckles, I check Stefan to check he is alright before turning to Damon.

"Why the hell did you do that?!" he smirks as he stands waving a hand at me.

"I needed a cheering up and a good prank does just that" he leaves cockily as I shake my head.

"He is such a big kid." I roll my eyes as I turn to Stefan.

"And you're such a little baby, wolf baby! Haha, I like that.. thats your new nickname, wolf baby!"

Damn it, Damon!

I ignore him as I roll my eyes again. "Are you okay?" I ask Stefan as he leans over the counter. "Yeah, the pains subsiding." I nod as I clear the mess up. "Are you okay?" Stefan asks as I sigh whilst I continue wiping the counter.

"I don't know, last night I told you both my biggest secret. I put myself in a vulnerable position, you now know I'm not your full sister. I guess I haven't really processed everything yet." he nods with a troubled expression. "You will always be our sister, Kristina, Always and forever."

I smile "good, cause I can't live without the two of you idiots by my side."

He rolls his eyes as he smiles playfully, "yeah, love you too." I laugh as I pull my tongue out at him.

"Hey did Jack come back last night?" Stefan shakes his head with a confused expression plaguing his face, "no, we didn't hear from him" just then Stefans phone goes off signalling he had recieved a text.

"Hey, I gotta go. Are you going to be okay?" I nod, "of course, she will as I'm taking her to meet our lovely little Elena today." Stefan looks pained by Damon's words as he heads out, clearly he and Elena still had alot going on between them that hadn't been resolved.

"So, when we headed to Elena's?" Damon walks out, barely sparing me a glace as he mumbles a quiet "now." in response. I hurry after him as he opens the front door coming face to face with Elijah.

"Sorry to impose but may I speak with Kristina alone?" Elijah's face was full of guilt and pain.

"Damon, I'll meet you at the car, okay?" I nod at a hesitant Damon who slowly heads outside sending me one last stern glance telling me to be careful.

"What is it, Elijah?" he avoids eye contact with me as I stare him down "it's about your friend Jack" he mutters.

My heart beat increases as i become concerned "where is he?" I demand through clenched teeth.

"Please calm yourself Kristina, i-" I cut him off, "where is he?"

He finally meets my eyes as he utters the words I had dreaded hearing, "he is dead, I'm so sorry. We made a stop at my home to retrieve an old map of the woods when Klaus-"

My blood boils at that name "Klaus killed him?! Is that what you're telling me, Elijah?!" he nods at me guiltily.

"I'm so sorry."

I scream in anger and pain, "no! I'm gonna kill him! Where is he, Elijah? Where is Klaus?!" Elijah approaches me slowly "Kristina, your losing control. Please, you can kill Klaus but you have to wait."

I growl as I try to control myself "no, I want him dead now!" I shout as I use my vampire speed to get to the mystic grill. I stand outside listening to my surroundings, "I don't know anything, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you." a female voice speaks, I would have believed she was confident if her voice hadn't wavered at the end of her sentence.

"Oh, I very much doubt that, love." Klaus' voice is threatening, he sounds like Elijah just colder and less controlled. I speed through the doors so I'm standing behind Klaus. "Turn around" I growl as the brunette girl turns to face me confused and afraid as I gesture my head to the side telling her to move away. She follows my instructions as she nods, Klaus simply continues to drink his bourbon. "I take it you're a friend of that little vampire I killed last night?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"His name was Jack, and you will pay for what you did to him" I growl as he turns to face me.

He looks me up and down as a smirk remains on his lips, "what a shame that I'll have to kill such a beautiful, yet foolish woman" I keep my threatening stance as I stare him down.

"We'll see."

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