- Chapter Six:

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"Ah Katerina Patrova" i nod in frustration.

"I had a lead on her, i had to pursue it Elijah. She deserves to die for what she has done to so many innocent people, what she did to the bond my brothers once shared" my gaze falls to my dirt encrusted ankle boots as leaves crush beneath my weight.

"She will suffer Kristina, but you should not let that hate for her prevebt you from experiencing the joys of life, like love" i can feel his beautiful eyes on me but cannot bring my gaze up to meet his.

He sighs heavily as he suddenly appears before me, "you should have asked me to accompany you" i look up sadly "we both know that you would never have left Klaus and Rebecca, and i would never have asked you too" i hold his gaze knowing im right.

I had never met Klaus but i did have the privilage of meeting Rebecca, so unsure of herself yet so strong.

"For you i would have, you were the centre of my entire world, i would have given my life for you" he leans close "i was inlove with you Kristina" his lips meet mine softly but with such passion that i almost forget how to push him softly away.

His expression saddens "and i loved you, key word being loved Elijah. I'm different now, stronger, i want something different and exciting" i sigh heavily as guilt washes over me, i approach him slowly as i speak.

"You will always be special to me Elijah and those memories of waking beside you wrapped under the sheet with you will always remain my happiest but that is what they'll always be, memories" i now stand face to face with him placing a hand on his cheek as a tear falls down my cheek.

He holds my hand on his cheek "i understand" he removes my hand still holding it as he strains a smile "thanks you for being honest with me" i nod my head with a small smile.

"I will always be honest with you Elijah, you deserve that much. I will always care for you deeply and i will always do my best to protect you" he chuckles.

"I don't think i need your protection Kris" i shake my head grinning teasingly "i beg to differ Elijah, you need protecting from yourself. I've seen your dancing skills and if you not careful your ginna seriously hurt yourself with those hip thrusts"

"What? i thought.. no i didn't.." i laugh aloud as i watch him stammer in embarrassment "oh..my..god!.. please tell me you haven't.. ahhha.." he glares playfully at me as i try to contain my laughter.

"I googled popular dance moves and that just happened to be at the top as one of the sexiest moves so i tryed to do it, that is all" he grins as i stand with a huge smile "yeah, i bet you did" i link arms with him as we continue our walk through the woods.

Elijah and i decide to head to his house that he shares with Klaus, something about an important dinner party in which us Salvatore are expected to attend.

He opens the door for me "such a gentleman" i curtsy as i speak in a fake british accent making him chuckle.

"My lady" he bows before leading me to a table where Klaus sits alone clearly unhappy about something, someone probably told him that vamp puppies arnt scary and if they haven't then i may as well.

I smirk turning to Elijah "what's wrong with vamp pup over there" i gesture to Klaus who abruptly stands.

"I will not be insulted in my own home! You are lucky your heart still remains in your chest!" his voice is cold yet i can't help but to laugh.

"Wow someone never got teased by anyone, relax douchebag your lucky im even in this close of a proximity to you after what you did to Jack" my voice goes ice cold as i take a seat staring down Klaus.

"Elijah do attend to that" the doorbell rings again, Elijah leaves us alone to answer it.

"Why did you do it?" my voice is above a whisper but not loud enough for Elijah to hear, Klaus looks up clearly understand what i am referring too.

"He asked me to love, i only granted his wish" a smirk replaces the almost guilty look on his face as he welcomes my brothers with fake politeness.

Why would Jack ask Klaus to kill him? no it isnt true, Klaus is playing a game, a very sick game.

I tune back into the conversation, Elena is mentioned to which Stefan becomes angered.

"If you dont mind, im gonna go snoop around this is boring me and im clearly not of use here" i head for the stairs not waiting for a response.

I walk along the corridor glancing at various paintings of old men until i come to an open door, the room is a baby blue colour and is scattered with various works of art. I find myself drawn to a painting in the far corner of the room, the painting is of a handsome man and angelic woman, their hands are interlocked as their foreheads rest together.

They both stare into the eyes of their lover as the world around them crumbles, there love clearly protecting them from the horrors of the world just outside their little bubble. It is truly a beautiful piece of art, love that strong exists in this world, it is such a rare thing to find.

I hear the distant voices downstairs but decide its none of my business, i continue to study the paintings in the small room, each one telling a different story of pain and hope. Its so tragically beautiful that the person who painted these must feel great pain and suffering, they express this pain through art making it a masterpiece rather than a tragedy.

The door creaks behind me signalling the presence of someone "why are you in here?" the voice is demanding.

"I wandered around the halls and came across these paintings, i was drawn to them" i answer truthfully as i turn to face Klaus, he looks almost fearful, like he had just seen a ghost of his past.

He studies me as i pass him to exit "which one?" he mutters quietly, it would have been impossible to hear had i not had heightened hearing.

"What?" he gestures to the paintings not meeting my eyes "which one drew you in?" i smile as i stare at the painting of the couple.

"That one, its so beautiful" he glances to the painting then to myself meeting my gaze.

"What did you mean before when you said Jack asked you to kill him?" he takes a seat at the nearby desk sighing.

He opens his mouth to speak only to be interrupted by Elijah calling my name "another time love" he holds a smile, not a fake one or a patronising one.

Klaus Mikaelson smiles genuinely at me, who would have thought "yeah another time, goodnight Klaus" i head down the hall as i hear "Goodnight Kirstina" smiling i head downstairs to where Elijah stands alongside Rebecca and an older looking lady.

"Kristina i would like you to meet my mother".

White Wolf Salvatore (Niklaus Mikaelson Love Story) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora