Stop, please!

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Before you stop reading once you realise this isn't a new chapter can I just say one thing?
as much as some people would like me to "hurry and do the next part" i just can't drop all of my important stuff to write chapters, as much as i'd like to. chapters come out when they're finished. if i rush each chapter just to make people happy (which i have done before) the story will be shit and i'll feel completely unaccomplished by the end.
i appreciate comments and i appreciate people wanting me to write more, but when the only comments (save for a few genuinely nice ones) i get are people begging for me to write the next chapter, or telling me to "hurry up", it makes me want to stop writing on here. i think a lot of writers can agree with me on this. i write fanfics because it's what i love to do, i find it fun, but all of the fun gets drained out of it all when all people seem to care about is when the next chapter is going to be up. be respectful to people, please for the love of god. some people have stressful lives. i know no harm is ever meant by it, and i should be taking it as a compliment, but its really starting to bum me out.
instead of demanding for chapters please just please ask nicely at least, or just don't comment at all. 
stop 👏 begging 👏 for 👏 chapters

stop 👏 telling 👏 me 👏 to 👏 hurry 👏 up 👏 when 👏 my 👏 whole 👏 life 👏 doesnt 👏 revolve 👏 around 👏 Wattpad

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