Chapter 16

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Anne: Diana, I want to set up a surprise date for Gilbert! Will you help me?
Diana: Of course I will! Anything for Shirbert 😉
Anne: Thank you! ❤❤❤❤
Diana: Anytime
Diana: What do you need me to do exactly?
Anne: You're in charge of getting him to the date. Therefore you have to meet up with him this afternoon.

Diana and Gilbert
Diana: Let's meet up this evening!
Gilbert: Well that's random! But I'd love to! Anne's coming too, right?
Diana: No, I want to hang out with you alone like we used to do! I miss our friendship 😊
Gilbert: Okay then! What time?
Diana: 6?
Gilbert: Sounds great! See you later Di! 😄

Gilbert and Anne
Gilbert: I'm going to spend some time with Diana this afternoon alone. You don't mind, right?
Anne: Gilbert, I'm not one of these ultra jelous and controlling girlfriends! Of course you can spend some time with your friend (and my bosom friend)!
Gilbert: You're the best girlfriend ❤❤❤❤😙
Anne: I know 😉❤
(A few minutes later)
Anne: Di!!! Should I wear a dress or normal clothes for the date tonight?!
Gilbert: Anne?! WHAT?!
Gilbert: We're not going on a date?
Gilbert: Who are you going on a date with?! Charlie?!
Anne: Oh my Lord Voldemort! No Gilbert!!!!
Gilbert: I don't want to talk to you right now.
Anne: Wsut!!
Anne: Wait*
Anne: It's not what you think
Anne: Gilbert please
Anne: I'll explain, just let me type
Gilbert blocked Anne

Anne and Diana
Anne: Help
Diana: ???
Anne: He's blocked me
Diana: WHAT? WHY?
Anne: He thinks I'm cheating on him
Diana: Explain.
Anne forwarded the conversation
Diana: Oh no
Anne: Help?
Diana: I'll see what I can do.

Diana added Josie and Ruby
Diana: I need your help
Josie: AGAIN?
Diana: Gilbert blocked Anne thinking she's cheating.
Jerry: Well is she cheating? Because Gilbert seemed upset through the phone.
Diana: No, of course not! She was planning a surprise date with HIM and he thinks she was going on a date with someone else!
Diana: So will you help?
Josie: What's the point? They'll just break up again tomorrow 😴
Jerry: I'll help.
Ruby: If Jerry is helping, I will too. Us friends have to help each other.
Diana: Thanks guys. So you won't help Josie?
Josie: Ugh! Who am I kidding? Scheming is my life.
Diana: You're the best, Jo!
Ruby: So is there a plan?
Diana: Not yet, no.
Josie: Leave the scheming to me 😈
Josie: *Evil laugh*
Diana: Anyone else a little worried about this?
Ruby: Yeah...
Jerry: Very.

Josie and Gilbert
Josie: Want to meet Anne at the cafe so she can explain about the cheating thing?
Gilbert: How do you know about that?
Josie: Don't question it, just say yes or no.
Gilbert: No, I don't want to speak to her.
Josie: It's your choice. I guess you'll just always have to wonder why Anne decided to cheat on you. Not knowing is probably best. You can just move on and deep down always wonder what you did to make her stop liking you. There's no point hearing her possibly logical explanation out, your relationship doesn't seem to be working out anyway.
Josie: You were right to say no.
Gilbert: I've changed my mind. I want to speak to her.
Josie: 6pm sharp at the cafe. Don't arrive late.
Josie: And dress well. You want to look like you're handling it well
Gilbert: Whatever

Josie and Diana
Josie: Tell Anne to set up the most romantic thing she can possibly think of at the cafe and to prepare her explanation. Gilbert's arriving at six sharp.
Josie: And tell her to dress up.
Diana: How did you get him to agree? Did you tell him what happened?
Josie: That's not my job. I just used some good old reverse psychology.
Josie: If this works then you guys owe me.
Josie: I wouldn't mind a Stranger Things t-shirt
Diana: We'll discuss this later

Gilbert and Anne
Gilbert: I'm so sorry. I love you ❤
Anne: I love you too ❤

Diana and Josie
Diana: How much was that shirt?

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