Chapter 4

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Y/N's Pov

Gaara's death was a mourned one. We all stood in black, outside as the pastor went on. (IDK if it's a pastor, but close enough.) "We are here today to mourn the death of Gaara..." He said, but I zoned out. I was still in shock about his death. It was so... sudden. But what baffled me, even more, was the fact that they couldn't find the body.

People had their theories about how he died; killed and eaten by wolves, drowned while swimming, caught in a house fire. But the one that bothered me the most was Kankuro's theory. The puppeteer had suggested that maybe Gaara was murdered. Out of all of the theories, his was the most feasible.

I was brought back to reality when it was my turn to go up and give a speech. I hesitated before walking up to the front. "I've... know Gaara for a long time now... " I started, trying to hold back tears in the process. "He was close to me... He actually asked me on a date... We were supposed to go on the Saturday he died..."

I said, not knowing what else to say about my dearly beloved friend. Before the tears could fall, I quickly walked back to my seat and sat down. Temari grabbed my hand and squeezed, giving a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath and let it go. I was all of a sudden incredibly tired.

I leaned my head on Temari's shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep.

My eyes opened and I was no longer at the park, where the funeral had been taking place. Instead, I was in the woods. I heard voices and went towards the source. After a few moments of weaving through the trees, I found Temari and Gaara. I tried to call out to them but found that I couldn't speak at all.

Figuring it would be useless to attempt and communicate with them, I merely watched the events unfold. Man do I wish I hadn't. "Temari. What is this about? What do you need?" Gaara asked, and all of a sudden Temari stopped walking. The blonde turned to him and her mouth turned up in an evil grin.

There was a look of fear in Gaara's eyes. Temari slowly began to walk towards her younger brother, reaching for something. "Temari..." He said and began to back away. The girl let out a maniacal laugh that sent shivers down my spine. Gaara tripped over a tree root and attempted to continue backing away. But to no avail, for his back hit a tree.

Temari walked over to Gaara and pressed the knife against his throat, causing a bit of blood to leak from the cut. I could barely see what they were doing because of their close proximity. "W-w-what are you doing?!" I heard Gaara yell. Temari gave no response to him. The blonde brought the knife up.

I tried to scream at her to not do it, but my voice wouldn't work. Then I tried moving over to where they were, only to find that I was stuck in place. Tears streaming down my face as I refocused on the two siblings. In one final, swift movement, Temari had slit the boy's throat open. I choked on my tears as I watched Gaara take his last breath.

The life bled away from his eyes and then they closed. His entire body was limp and it didn't take a genius to know that he was dead. 'Gaara...' I thought as more tears fell.

I was suddenly yanked from my dream when someone began shaking me. My stomach churned when my eyes opened and I saw Temari. I tried to act like everything was normal. "The funeral is over, Y/N." Temari said in a kind voice. It made me sick to think that she killed her little brother and didn't even care he was dead.

But I had to force a smile nonetheless. "Okay! Thanks for waking me up. I guess I was just tired." I said, covering up my worry with a cheery voice. Temari simply nodded and we left the park. We walked towards my house. My mind was racing. I was alone with a murder, Gaara's murderer to be specific.

"Hey Y/N?" Temari said, getting my attention. "Yeah?" I replied, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind. "Would you like me to stay with you tonight? Since Gaara..." Her voice trailed off. As much as I wanted to say no, my mind wanted answers. Why did she do it? Who else did she kill? Who else did she plan to kill?

Did she plan on killing me next?

That last one scared me the most. I decided to let the blonde stay the night. It went surprisingly smoothly until it came time to go to sleep. I was laying in my bed, almost all the way asleep when I heard my door open. I opened my eyes and say Temari sit on my bed. "You still up?" She asked me in a gentle voice, almost a whisper.

"Yes." I said simply. "Hey Y/N... I really am sorry about G-" I cut her off with a simple question. "Why did you kill Gaara?" I asked, my voice cold. Her mouth clamped shut and her face went pale. She quickly tried to cover her tracks. "W-what are you talking about?" She asked, her stutter giving her away.

"I asked. Why. Did. You. Kill. Gaara? I know you did, so don't try to hide it." Temari fell silent, as though contemplating what to say. Her response made my blood run cold.

"Because you're my toy. He thought he could have you, so I had to kill him. You. Are. Mine."

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