Chapter 6

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Bae Jinyoung's POV

It's been 3 weeks since i entered Wanna High. It's been 3 weeks when i became friends again with the prince of the south.

It's been 3 weeks when i felt something growing in my heart.

"Ya, Bae Jinyoung! Why are you staring at me for so long? You'll spoil your food, eat it!" The demanding prince scolded me. I continued to eat.

I'm with Daehwi on the cafeteria, and for some reasons samuel's not joining us today.

I looked at Daehwi eating, he look so cute. 'Wait. Cute? I think that he's cute?'

I observed his face. Uneven eyes, average nose, plump lips, a mole on the bottom side of his lips. When you add all this, it's equals to a perfection. I know he was beautiful when we we're children, but I didn't he would become even more beautiful than that.

"You're so beautiful.."

"What?" Deahwi asked me. Did i say it out loud?



Lee Daehwi's POV

In the past week, Jinyoung's been actin a little strange. He doesn't tease me so much like before, and he became nicer? I mean, i know he's a nice person. But there's still a bit of change.

What i'm most bothered about this change is that..

He just won't stop staring at me!

It's so weird, he's staring at me for too long!

I shrugged and Stood up to get my book from my locker. A royal's locker is different from the other student's locker. For some reasons, they always paint our locker with gold. And no one open in because it has a lock--

"Huh?" Why is the lock broken?

I opened my locker and got devastated of what i see inside.

"Who did this?" I voice filled with anger.

I see my books all scattered into pieces, and my pe uniform is ripped apart.

'How dare they do this to me? Am i being hated?'

I notices a message inside.


"Daehwi!! OHMYGOD! What happened?!" I saw samuel called me, he said my locker and he hugged me.

"Samuel, i'm okay.."

"No, you're not! How dare someone do this to the price of the south! I will catch them and punish them Daehwi, i promise!" He said patting my head.

"Thank you samuel.." I hugged him back and then let go.

He looked at my hand which was holding a letter.

"What's that?" He asked, i hid my hands behind my back.

"Daehwi.. Please tell me what is that? That's a letter from the one who did it right?" I nodded. I gave up and i gave it to him.

"So it's his fan huh?" I nodded.

"Stop hanging out with him Daehwi." He said.

"No, i won't. If i stop hanging out with him now, it's like i'm doing what the person wants."

He sighed.

"Okay, do what you want. But from now on, you won't get out of my sight except for class hours, okay?"

"Thank you Muellie." I smiled at him.

"You're always welcome Hwi... For now, let's call someone to fix this mess and report this to the principal." I nodded and followed him.


Bae Jinyoung's POV

'Why is Daehwi not here yet?' I stared at his empty seat. 'I miss him..' What i miss him?

"Hey Prince, did you hear it?" My fellow idol asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Hear what?"

"About the prince of the south."

"Huh? What happened to him?" I asked worried.

"They say that the prince's locked were targeted by bullied. His locker was a mess."

"What?! Who did it?" How dare they do this to a prince?

"Umm.. I don't know but they say.. It was a fan of yours.." Huh?

"What? My fan?"

"Yes, Daehwi received a letter and it said he should stay away from you."

'For real? How can someone do this to him? He's an angel! Shit, i gonna get that person who did this kneel in front of the prince of the south.'

'Even if it is my fan, or even if it's a royalty.'


Daehwi returned to the classroom when it was the last period before lunch break. And now, i'm with him and Samuel eating.

Daehwi seemed like his usual self, but samuel is just silently eating which was very rare to see. Maybe he's angry at me because the suspect is a fan of mine.

"Hey, Daehwi.. About what happened--" I was gonna mention what happened but daehwi cutted me off.

"No need to apologize, it's not your fault." He gave me an reassuring smile.

'Ugh, he's an angel really..'

"Daehwi, i was going to say that i will captured the one who did it and while i'm at it, i'm going to protect you." I smiled at him.

'I'm gonna protect you from this cruel world and make you walk only on a flower path with me.'

Lee Daehwi's POV

".... I'm going to protect you."

Those words. Made me feel safe.

And made me feel something weird. Like my heart racing and blood rushing in my cheeks.

'What is this?'


Little did prince of the south know, his wrist started to glow.

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