Chapter 1

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"Jungkook, wait up!" Jimin panted as he was trying to catch up with Jungkook who is now heading to there next class.

Jungkook turns around and smirks, he starts walking faster and ignoring Jimin. "Jungkook I swear to GOD that I will end you if you don't slow down!." Jungkook doesn't do anything of the sorts and continues to head to class.

The bell rings and Jimin runs to try and catch up. Jungkook and Jimin get to class just on time. "Really! Jungkook you could've slowed down so I could catch up. What the hell man." Jimin pants. "It was just funny how I got to see you trying to catch up and failing miserably." Jimin frowns at Jungkook's comment and just faces forward.

Jimin and Jungkook are in the same class for almost everything, just not P.E which THANK GOD for Jimin because Jungkook is an absolute sport player and wins at everything while Jimin is very innocent and is very intelligent, Jimin loves reading and dancing. Jimin and Jungkook have been best friends since year 6 and now it is year 12 and they are inseparable.  It (A/N I am Australian, so to the Americans I will spell stuff differently so #dealwithit)

"Good afternoon, I am your new teacher Mr Byun and I hope we have great fun this year. I am telling you math is fun when you understand it and as a teacher I will help you understand it..." Jimin doesn't hear the end of that boring speech, he is too busy thinking about going home, locking himself in his room with proper peace and quiet.

" please take out your books." Mr Byun orders. Jimin looks to the left of him and see's Jungkook softly snoring, Jimin giggles and starts to concentrate on class while waking Jungkook up.

Few Hours Later

"Bye Jimin, hope that father of your's doesn't do anything stupid to you again or I'm gonna personally kick his ass!" Jungkook yells from his car. Jimin looks over, smiles and waves goodbye. (A/N Italics is what he is thinking.)

I really hope father will be impressed with these results of my science test, and I won't have to walk home anymore.

Jimin's mother died when he was only 6 years old, and ever since that Jimin's dad has been an absolute dick to him ever since, going out with a bunch of girls, coming home drunk, hitting Jimin and just being the absolute worst father he can be. But one thing that has never changed is that Jimin's father hated Jimin. Always has, always will. He will either leave the house, kick Jimin out of the house or will lock Jimin up in his room.

Jimin hated going home. He wishes life was different and still had loving parents. But Jimin remembers his mother pretty well. She was loving, caring, pretty and she loved Jimin with a passion. But when someone sneaked there way into the house and murdered his mum is where his life turned to shit. 

Jimin finally made it home, before he went inside he breathed deeply in and out, preparing for whats ahead. "Sir, I'm home from school. You said if i got %100 on one of my subjects you will drive me to and from school right? Well I got %100 on my science." Jimin yelled from the front door.

Jimin hears no answer, so he leaves his results paper on the desk and walks upstairs to his room. Jimin sets his stuff down and lays on his bed. Please don't be drunk when you get home is the last thing he thinks before he is off in dreamland

1 Hour Later

"BOI GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE I BEAT IT DOWN HERE!" Jimin's dad yells from downstairs. Jimin wakes up slowly and starts to walk down. When he see's his dad he is shocked, he is not drunk, he s not with some woman, he seems actually normal and Jimin is kind of happy, kind of.

"I have to say well done on the test, I never thought that a piece  of shit like you could actually achieve this. Any way there is someone i need you to meet at 6:00 tonight so do NOT go anywhere." Jimin is a bit taken by what his father just said but Jimin just nods and heads up to his room again.

Jimin picks up his new iPhone 8 that he bought with his own money and calls Jungkook.

"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin yells down the line as soon Jungkook picks up.


"Guess what"


"My dad isn't drunk and hasn't got any girls with him"

"Oh My God, that's awesome Chim Chim"

"JIMIN GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!" Jimin's dad yells from downstairs again, Jimin hasn't even realised that it's already 6:00.

Jimin heads down and he see's his father talking to some boy who looks about 24, he has bleached blonde hair, pale white skin, very thin and very sexy with tattoo's all over him. The unknown man is wearing black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Hi Sir, hello Mr. My name is Park Jimin." Jimin speaks until his dad covers his mouth with his hand.

"Hello Jimin, I already know who you are. You are very pretty, sexy some people would say." The man says "Please let me introduce myself. My name in Min Yoongi, but please call me hyung, Suga or Daddy." Yoongi says with a smirk.

Jimin's eyes widen but doesn't say anything. Because he knows who Min Yoongi is, he is a very famous underground gangster that has killed people and stolen. The list could go on.

Jimin's dad looks over with happy eyes.

"Jimin, I owe this man a lot of money and when i showed him a picture of you, he seemed very happy."

Jimin knows there is something up but he keeps listening.

"Park Jimin what I'm about to tell you is very hard to comprehend but please do it willingly." Yoongi says still smirking.

All Jimin knows is that it won't be good.

(A/N I say this to myself. Good job on trying to not make mistakes with your writing.)

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