Chapter 5

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"Who are we meeting RM?" Yoongi asks impatiently. "Baekhyun and  Chanyeol." All the boys look up in shock. "Who is Baekhyun and Chanyeol?" Jimin asks, very confused for what is happening and what is going to happen in the future. "Baekhyun is a major rival of our gang and his boyfriend Chanyeol is the co-leader as Baekhyun is the leader of his gang called EXO." Jimin nods, curious and nervous for what is about to happen.

"Kookie, baby. I want you to stay as close to me as possible, I don't want you to get hurt if anything happens." V says to Jungkook, Jungkook nods and V smiles and kisses him on the cheek.

"Same with you boy, I don't want you to get hurt so stay close to me, even if we are not intentionally here to fight it can still happen." Jimin nods to Yoongi. "Suga hyung, I can take care of myself." Jimin says to Yoongi, moving away. Jimin really doesn't need for Yoongi to keep him safe, because logically, if he had just left him back at the house or not have taken him from his life he wouldn't be in this situation.

"Jimin, you're staying with me whether you like it or not." Yoongi grits and grabs Jimin's hand so tight that Jimin winces. "Ok, lets go in."

They walk into the big building that looks like an abandoned warehouse. It is big, empty and plain grey. Jimin gets more nervous with every step into the warehouse, but he knows he is safe with Yoongi holding his hand. Even if Jimin hates it, it still makes him feel safe. 

Jimin looks over at Jungkook, he looks unafraid. He must have done this before. "Jungk-" "SHHH" Yoongi interrupts, and Jimin just rolls his eyes and just keeps on walking. 

"Ok guys, Jin hyung will stay with me. Yoongi hyung and Jimin will go together and Tae, Jungkook and Hoseok will go together. We will have a look around to see if they have pulled any tricks, just make sure that they don't then we will talk to them." RM commands.

Everyone goes off into different directions, Yoongi and Jimin start going straight ahead to check a couple places. "Jimin, I want to talk." Yoongi says out of the blue. "About what?" Jimin says coldly. Yoongi stops and looks down at Jimin. "About us, I want to talk about us." Jimin just looks unimpressed but that quickly changes when Yoongi puts him against a wall. "Jimin, your lips are beautiful." Yoongi says leaning closer. "Yoongi hyung, don't please." Jimin silently begs. Yoongi puts his arms against the wall, Yoongi's blonde hair falls over his face slightly, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Jimin pushes his neck as far about against the wall as he can. Jimin can feel Yoongi's breath on his lips, so close. They both close their eyes and...

"Well, look who it is." A man says, both f their eyes open and Yoongi lets go of Jimin and stands back, Jimin is phased in what just happened and how he almost kissed Yoongi. "Baekhyun, what the hell." Yoongi says unimpressed. "Well, I am extremely sorry for ruining your moment but the rest of your gang is waiting for you, and I decided to look for you cause my patience was thinning out, and we found you almost kissing this innocent boy." Baekhyun points. 

The 3 of them walked back to the place and RM looked at Yoongi curiously, silently asking where has he been. "Well, now I want to talk business." The gang sat down on the chairs that were out for them. "Now, with the money you owe me, we can half it if you do a little job for me." Jimin looks over to Baekhyun and he turns to Jimin with a smirk. "Little Jiminie here has to do it with two other people, and what he has to do is that he has to try and kill this one person who goes by the name of Bam Bam. He is the leader of a gang called Got7 and we need that leader dead." Baekhyun's words start to sink into Jimin's head. I have to kill someone!?

"That is not a good deal, Jimin hasn't even properly joined this gang and..... Wait, I haven't even told you his name. How do you know who Park Jimin is?" Yoongi questions to Baekhyun. Baekhyun smirks. "Jimin's mother and I go way back, I've known her since she was in primary school, and I also know the truth about your mothers death." Jimin shoots his head up and Yoongi turns his head to Baekhyun with wide eyes. "Jimin, what I'm about to tell you is very hard to comprehend but-" "FUCK OFF" Yoongi yells, and Jimin stares at him.

"Do you want to tell him Suga, or should I?" Baekhyun asks teasingly. "He doesn't need to know." Yoongi says softly.

"Well, if you aren't then I am, Jimin your mother died because of........ "

Another cliff hanger!? Sorry guys😂 but what do you think happened to Jimin's mother??

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