Chapter 3

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Jimin is now in Yoongi's car, in the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" Yoongi looks at Jimin but ignores his question and puts his eyes back onto the road. Jimin grew angry at this. "Yoongi, where are we going!?" 

Jimin grows impatient and glares at Yoongi. "Jimin I will give you this warning once and only once. When you are my/our house, you can call me Yoongi. But when we are doing something with my gang. You will call me Suga and Suga only." Jimin nods but doesn't look at Yoongi.

About an hour later they arrive at the house. Jimin looks out the window of the car and see's the biggest house he has ever seen. A massive mansion with the colours of beige and white, with plenty of lights.

Jimin gets out of the car and waits for Yoongi. Yoongi gets out and starts to walk up to the front door without talking to Jimin, not even a glance. Jimin just takes his initiative and walked up there with Yoongi.

Once they're inside. Jimin looks around the current room he is in. "Holy shit Yoongi." Jimin says quietly but it was enough for Yoongi to hear. Yoongi smirks. "Hey, why don't I show you where you will be sleeping." Jimin nods and they start to walk off. Jimin keeps his space between him and Yoongi, not trusting him one bit.

Yoongi and Jimin walked up the last flight of stairs and they finally made it. "Here is where you will be sleeping, with me." Jimin looks at Yoongi with shock. "HELL NO! NO WAY AM I SLEEPING WITH YOU!" Jimin yells. "Jimin, do not yell like that!" Yoongi raises his voice.

Jimin looks at Yoongi with a look that could kill "Yoongi, you really think that I'm going to sleep in the same bed with you. When just earlier today you took me away from my life." Yoongi grabs Jimin's wrist. "Ok, your going on like a bitch. If I hear one more word from your pretty mouth, I'm going to do something you will not like with that mouth." Jimin feels something in his lower regions. Not now, he just took you away from your family! Get your act together Jimin!

"Now, I expect your going to be a good boy and do as I say. You can speak but I don't want to hear your bitchiness. Got that?" Jimin nods. He is truly scared of Yoongi.

"Now, lets have lunch." Yoongi goes downstairs and Jimin is standing still, still from shock of what just happened.

"JIMIN! COME ON LUNCH IS READY!" Yoongi yells, Jimin comes running down trying not to disobey Yoongi. "Good boy"Yoongi says nonchalantly and Jimin blushes.

Jimin and Yoongi were eating in silence until Yoongi breaks it. "Now, I have already signed you out of school, you will not be attending that school anymore and you will be doing business with me. You and I are going to have fun." Jimin looks up to Yoongi. "What do you mean by business?" Yoongi gives a little smile. "You'll, see." 

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