part four:

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     Dean knew nobody would listen if he tried to tell them that he was actually a hunter with an angel boyfriend.
So he settled until he could find a way back to the real  Cas and Sammy. He talked to the kids and other 'actors'.

Today he was watching TV not really paying attention when Bobby walked into the room followed by his mom and dad. He choked up . "Bobby?" Nobody answered to their names. They all went by someone else. Charlie, Jo, Ellen, Ash and everyone else corrected their names and called him Jensen.
He gets to go home tomorrow and he isn't too excited. Being around Danneel and the kids and doing all the stuff that isn't him. He just wanted to go back to Hunting and cuddling Cas and protecting Sammy.

              He was quiet the whole ride. Danneel put her hand on his leg while they were driving and kept telling him it'd be okay. He didn't like it but didn't push her hand away. They had a nice house it was big and fancy and they clearly had alot of money. They had dogs and Dean didn't want anything to do with them, but clearly they missed him because they would not leave him alone. Dean asked where the room was and made his way to it. He sat on the bed and thought about where he'd go if he left. Danneel came into the room with her hand pressed over the mouthpiece of a phone. "Honey,' she said leaning on the door frame "Eric wants to know if you feel well enough to do the panel with Jared , Mark and Misha tomorrow?"
He didn't know what that meant but he wanted to be alone.
"Yeah, yeah." He said, hoping he sounded convincing.
He went to sleep, inching away from Danneel as much as he could. He dreamt of Cas again. Of him dying. Of him coming into the hospital room beaming at him. He missed Cas so much he couldn't breathe.
The next day a black SUV pulled up out front to get him. When he walked out Sa- Jared rolled down the window and stuck his head out. He smiled and his face hurt. How long has it been since he smiled? Dean sat in the back with Cas. He  refused to call him Misha, and Cas is the only one who didn't correct him. Dean fell asleep on the way there and he put his head on Cas's shoulder. He slept peacefully for the first time since the crash. When they were there Cas put his hand on Dean's knee and shook him. Dean got up groggily and followed them into an enormous building. They were led onto a stage with chairs and microphones. S- Jared and Cas sat down right away. There was a crowd and they were screaming so loud Dean's ears popped.
He sat next to Cas and picked up a microphone. All day the audience asked questions and they answered. Sometimes they lied though and it set Dean's teeth on edge. Some of them argued about wether or not 'destiel' was real and it pissed Dean off. Of course it was real. Him and Cas love each other. Crowley showed up later in the day and Dean guessed this was "mark"
While Cas answered questions Dean just watched his face. He studied the lines and his hair and the way his nose scrunches when he laughs. Cas was so beautiful and Dean missed him alot. He felt a tug inside his stomach but knew he shouldn't act on it, couldn't act on it. But he did. While Crowley was answering a question Dean jumped forward and grabbed Cas's face and kissed him hard. The audience was quiet and then they screamed louder than before. Dean pulled away and was dimly aware of Crowley and Sam staring at them. Cas just looked at Dean and Dean looked back. Cas looked at the audience and spoke into his microphone
"Excuse us.' he said then he grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him backstage to the sounds of more crazed fans.
"What was that Jensen?"
He didn't sound angry and Dean decided that's good.
"Don't call me Jensen. I'm Dean. I'm your boyfriend. I'm a hunter and your an angel and it's not just a show. We  are in love. Cas don't you remember?  You were there! In the crash!"
Cas looked at him.
"Cas please." Dean didn't know what he was begging for but he was. "I need you."
"Okay Jensen, we just gotta figure this out." He said calmly. Dean's whole mood lightened. "Also, I didn't mind it, but don't kiss me on TV again, Vicki will get mad."
"My wife."
Cas has a wife? Nonono.
"How am I gonna get you back Cas?" Dean asks desparetely.
"No. I think it's how are we gonna get you back." Cas puts his index finger on his chin and squints his eyes.
Dean loves that face. "What about a spell?" He suggests.
Cas laughs. "Why not?" He says shrugging and walks back on stage.

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