part six

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Dean woke up this the smell of burning rubber. He could only see out of one eye and everything was wrong.
He turned his head and realized he was upside down. In a car. The car crash. He was back!
He cut his seatbelt off of himself and fell to the roof of the impala.
"Oh, baby." He groaned.
Glass littered the ground and stuck into his palms but he ignored it and made his way to Cas. Cas wasn't wearing his seatbelt and he looked worse than the first time Dean thought he was dead. Dean pulled him out of the car by his armpits and once again cradled him on his lap.
Dean leaned over him as if to act as a shield. It was just the two of them in this little space. Nothing else. No one else. Dean touched Cas's face gingerly with shaking hands. He was crying and wiped his own tears of off Cas's face where they fell. "Cas.." he whispered still leaning over him.
"Cas baby, I'm here, I'm not leaving. Ever" Dean kissed his forehead and rocked back and forth until a hand grabbed his bicep. Dean looked down to see Cas looking at him he was alive and Dean almost yelled with joy. He grabbed Cas by the face "I love you so fucking much Castiel" Dean said
"And I love you Dean Winchester" Cas sat up as much as he could manage and kissed Dean with blood covered lips. They stayed there like that in the wreckage, in the middle of the street, wrapped in each other's arms and promises to never leave tho other again.

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