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Dean cradled Cas's face and pressed his feverish forehead to Cas's cold, clammy one.Cas closed his eyes and went limp in Dean's lap. "That's okay." Dean says more to himself than to Cas. " If you need to rest, you just rest baby." He pushes Cas's hair back. Dean hears the tap tap tap of dress shoes on the pavement, they slow to a stop and come from behind him. He follows the shoes up to sams face. It's a mix of scowling and pity. His suit is wrinkled and he's sweating, obviously he ran. Sam stares down at him and Dean knew that face. Dean wanted to hit Sam for making that face. Cas wasn't dead. Cas isnt dead.
But, why was he cold then? Dean can't even speak. Cas was just alive, cas just kissed him and promised never to leave him again. Deans hand flies to his lips, searching for the blood, for any sign cas was alive. No! After all the work he went through to get back to Cas. Dean pressed his forehead to Cas's and cried.

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