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Soz for the wait


Anthony's pov

I was playing some Nintendo, until me phone vibrated

I looked who the message was from

Ian? hmmm what could he want

Ian: hey dude party, my place, starts at 8 but can you come early to help set up and get stuff

Anthony: sounds awesome I'll be there

Ian: thanks bro

I looked at my watch 6pm I had at least half an hour to waste so I texted Kalel

Anthony: Hey :) Ian is having a party you should come

Kalel: party=trouble to make

Totally in :P

I smiled she was so cute the way she texted

Wait no Anthony you can think like this be the player

Be the heartbreaker

Man I gotta stop doing that I said out loud as I walked out the door to Ian's house

Kalel's pov

It was now 7 30 I walked out of my house dressed in a short skin tight black dress that sat a little higher than my knees

I drove to Melanie's house who is currently Ian's girlfriend

"Woah talk about slut" she said opening the door

"Hey that's mean" I said fake crying

"I'm joking you look amazing as always" she said

Mel was in a short lavender purple skater dress

"Let's go" I smiled as we hoped in the car

As we drove up Ian's street we could hear loud booming music echo up the road

We pulled over and got out of my car

"Here we go" Mel said

"I have a feeling this will be a night to remember for sure" I smiled walking into the house

People were everywhere



Making out


"Hey" I turned around to see Ian

"Oh hi Ian, what have you done" I laughed looking at a girl as she jumped into the pool with her clothes on

"Um I brought loads of alcohol, well actually Anthony did and yea put on loud music and boom best party of the year" Ian said smiling

I walked around for awhile trying to find Anthony

Well I shouldn't really say walked more like stubbled because I was as drunk as hell.

I finally found him

Unfortunately he was wasted too

But not that much


"Hey sexy." I said looking a him

"Hey babe what's up" he slurred back

"I don't know I'm bored let's do something fun" I took hold of his hand and we ran into the pool with our clothes on

"Shit now I'm wet" I said taking my top off so I was only in my bra and shorts that I wore under my skirt

Just then Anthony grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss but I wriggled free and ran away.

Anthony's pov

I ran after Kalel as she took off

I went up stairs to see where she had gone

Lucky I wasn't that drunk so I could still control myself unlike Kalel who was completely wasted

I opened the door to Ian's room and found Kalel making out with someone on Ian's bed

"Dude get out" I yelled to this random guy with Kalel who just happened to be Sawyer Hartman

"Hey I was playing him" Kalel slurred a little annoyed at me

"Soz babe" I smiled and sat down in the bed with her

She placed her head on my stomach and started to fall asleep

"Kalel" I shook her

"What" she wined

"I'm going to take you home ok Melanie is just going crash her at Ian's" I said to her

"What ever" she slurred

I got up and held her hand tight and walked her through the party

"C ya Ian I'm going to take Kalel to her house them I'm going to go home too"

"Peace out" he said clearly drunk

As we were driving home Kalel started to get a little annoying

"Hey Anthony" she said

"What" I replied

"Your really hot you know" she said

"Stop it I no you are trying to play me"

"Nooooooo" she wined and started to unzip the fly in my pants

"No stop it" I pushed her head away

She just gave me a sad look

When we got back to her house I decided to come in just invade something happened

"Look Kalel go have a shower and get straight to bed now" I yelled at her

"Wanna join, you know get a little dirty in the shower" she winked

"No you are clearly drunk Kalel" I said heading to the couch turning on the tv

We were quite lucky that both our parents didn't come home much

My mum was away for a month and Kalel's mum was staying at her new Boyfriends house

I turned on the wii and started playing Mario Kart

Suddenly Kalel came out of the shower just in her towel

Not again I mumbled to myself

"Hey you still here can't leave can you" she smiled and sat down next to me

I just ignored her and continued playing Mario kart

Until she kissed me passionately on the lips

"This isn't you Kalel stop it" I said in between breathes but something inside of me didn't want this to end at all

Gee life is so confusing

I brought her up to her room and placed on the bed and finally pulled away from the kiss and laid next to her

And soon fell into an deep sleep

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