The end of the begining

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Kalels pov

I entered the kitchen to about 4 ladies staring at me

"Move!" I screamed to them

And they did

That's right I'm back bitches. I thought

I could feel the grin on my face widen

I spun around to face the 'mystery meat'

"Ew beef" I said out loud making a gagging face

Now this is something I can mess with

I pulled off my backpack and unzipped it

I pulled out the 3 containers

One containing worms

One with bettles

And the worst one containing ...... hair

Ew the thought of it just makes me feel sick

Haha shame on them I thought as i tiled the 3 containers in one by one

I dished up the bowls and lay them one by one on the counter

A huge storm of people came running towards the counter to receive there food

The whole time I just had a evil glare towards anthony

I knew how I felt towards him but it was super confusing and I had to do something about it

After hearing about 50 people squeal after eating there lunch

Anthony came over to me

"Hey nice work on the lunches" he grinned

I put my arm around him

"Well I try" I said

We were talking for about 20 minutes and to be honest I wasn't even listening to what he had to say because I was took confused about my feelings and honestly I think he felt the same.

"Kalel I need to ask you something" anthony said

"Hmm" I said snapping out of my daydream which probably made me seem like a complete idiot

"I need to ask you something" he said nervously

"Yep" I replied

"Will you be my girlfriend"

Wait what I thought as his words

They made my stomach crumble

But wait Kalel your bad

Anthony's pov

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked making Kalel smile

Well at first she was smiling then she started laughing and then it turned into and evil chuckle

"Bitch please I played you" she smirked

I felt my stomach instantly drop

"Wait what" I said heart broken

"That's right, thee Anthony Padilla, the big bad boy, got played" she grinned walking straight past me.

I turned to watch her walk out the door

Kalels pov

I walked away from anthony and out of the cafeteria and just as I was leaving I saw Mel and Ian walking in

"Oh and btw" I shouted back at Anthony

I grabbed Ian and pulled him in for a passionate kiss

"That just happened" I snapped at Anthony

I continued to walked out the cafeteria then out the school doors

Kalel Cullen, bad girl with a bad reputation just broke a bad boys heart

I smiled at my thoughts

Well who's next?

Authours note




So that's that

The end

So the sequel is now out

It's called bader than before

An to be honest shit is going to go down

Thanks so much for over 5k reads and 100 votes

Until next time


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