PLZ READ !!!!! update on stuff

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heyyyyy people 

Fistly i am sooooooo sorry for not updating i got my phone taking off me so i couldnt write a new chapter

Secondly i would like to say a huge thank you too everyone who has viewed my story it is almost at 1000 views (ahhhhhhh)

Thirdly (this is for the people who have commented on my story) 

What you guys wrote was sooooo sweet literally when i saw it i had this huge smile on my face and it means soooooooooooo much to me went you guys say this is the best story you have read or u love it so much :) 

So i will try steal my sisters ipod while she is out tomorrow so expect an update tomorrow

untill next time 


RebelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora