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im sorry my story is getting somewhat shit forgive me :((((( im trying to add more drama but its hard anyway hope u like it

Anthonys pov

kalel  and i had just got back from the park we didnt really talk about much but it got cold so we thought we would come back early. Ian and Mel were out somewhere so it was only kalel and i in the room.

good time to play her 

she was currently sitting on my lap on her iphone checking her twitter while we were watching a movie

i saw her respost a tweet from a girl in our grade level who was actually on this trip in the room below us saying; retweet if you think every guy in our grade is an idiot 

"heyy" i said pushing her

"dont act like you know that isnt true" she replied turning to face me

our face innces apart. God dammit Anthony why are you always thinking like that you are going to play her ok? the words keeped going around in my head

"hey dumby im talking to you" she joked

i pushed her off me so i was ontop of her 

untill she started tickling me making me roll around and bang my head on the wall causing it to dent

"damm now we r going to have to make up a lie about that dent"

"im surprise that even made a mark even thou ur head is so hollow" she laughed causing me to laugh

" ur mean"

"ur mean"

"i hate you"

"i love you" she blurted out making my heart sink

"im playing you" 


still anthonys pov

"what" she said tears forming in her eyes 

"Wait no kalel i didnt mean to say that" i said but it was too late she had already dashed out of the room

But of course my stupid mind forced me to follow her'

i searched the hallways untill i found her curled up in a ball sitting on the floor

"go away" she screamed at me

"wait what i didnt mean it" i said trying to cover my faluts

" do u know what it feels like to say your feeling to someone that you actually love because u have never loved any other man in your life besides your dad who left you and because of that turned you into the person you are today seriously anthony do u really know what it feels like, anthony i havent eaten something that isnt fruit in 3 weeks and now you think is a good time to say that, your evil Anthony Padillia I HATE YOU I HATE YOU i thought we were friends but i guess friends dont use the playing method to get back at others" she said getting up to walk off

maybe it did hurt to get played by a badboy

untill i stopped her, i was holding onto her shoulders 

her wet red puffy eyes didnt dare look into my eyes 

"hey look at me" i said softly

she looked up into my eyes

and with that she colasped into my arms







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