free day

388 6 4


Kalels pov

I woke up on the ground of our hotel suites floor dont ask me why cuz i have absolutely no idea how i got there. I looked up to my bed to find anthony asleep with his arms and legs spread wide taking up the whole bed which made me understand why i was on the floor. I got up off the floor with a huge pain in my back because of the hard ground.

"Hey" I said to ian and mel who were sitting at the table eating waffles and drinking coffee

"Hey theres some in the kitchen if you want some breakfast" mel said to me

i ignored her offer and went into the bathroom to have a shower and get ready. 

About 15 minutes later i came out wearing short white flowing pants and a black tightish top, i re-joined mel and ian at the table and to my surprise sleeping beauty had finally awoken from his beauty sleep.

"Hola,how was your amazing sleep" i said hugging him from behind

"Oh yea about that im sorry i must of been in a deep sleep not to relise you" He replied sounded sorry

"Right a 'deep sleep'" i comment 

it was good that today was the day that we had no school activities planned because Anthony asked me if i wanted to go to the park to talk more about things

being my badgirl self of course im going to play him even if i do have feelings for him.  Wait Kalel hold yourself together you cant like him u dont like anything. thoses words keeped in my mine 

"ready to go" he spoke up 

"Yup" i said as we walked out the door 


authours note

dun dun dun

dammmm that was short just preparing for the next chapter

good bad ? anything plz comment

soz it was kinda shit i had looooooaaaaaaadddds of stupid homework

anyway what do you thing is going to happen 

i know 

i want to know if you no 

(hint it involes loads of drama and there is going to be a huge cliff hanger)

untill next time 


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