Roses Are Red...

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Nothing is easy about moving states. It's not the same and it's definitely not as nice. The neighbours in our old state Georgia, were so friendly and would let me and my brother play in their backyards with their children. I'm 15 now and I honestly don't think that I should be worrying about our old house. Our new house in Florida is much bigger and quite close to my view of luxury! But I have to admit, there is one thing that is really worrying me. Moving schools. I absolutely loved my old school. There were so many nice people there and I was so popular but I have a gut feeling that I would be one of the most unpopular students at this school. It is twice as big as my old school so there is a big chance. I'm just hoping there are some decent girls and maybe even some handsome guys to hang around with. Mum is all happy and jolly about moving schools as it is apparently a break from our friend but honestly that's the worst thing she has ever said. 

I love dreaming of guys. How their hair flows in the wind and how they style their hair is just gorgeous. Ther is one particular guy I dream about all the time. Ryan Williams.  Oh my gosh he's stunning! His hair, his face and his eyes! His eyes are like stars twinkling in the night sky!  I have drawn him twice already, one of him winking an one of him and me hugging whilst being surrounded by gold sparkles! I was just casually walking to my next lesson when he passed me holding a sketch book of amazing drawings of mythical creatures and one of a pretty girl in a white dress. Underneath Ryan had signed it and had written, "Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Love Her, She's My One And Only Tess." It must be his girlfriend that he drew. Well I am a bit annoyed that he is taken but as they say nothing is impossible so maybe I could date him someday. You never know what could happen in a matter of  years. 

At school today, I met 2 girls. Hannah and Amelia and oh my gosh they were so sweet and pretty and kind! They showed me round the school and introduced me to lots of other people, well that was kind of embarrasing. My first days hadn't been so bad actually, well, loads better than thought anyway. I actually can't believe that this happened but... someone asked me out!               It was really awkward as it was my second day at Southblake School and someone already thought I was girlfriend material. Really? Well, it happened and I said no as I barely knew the guy and I want to be friends with a guy before I date them. Hannah and Amelia helped me chat to Ryan which meant the word to me as I really need to be friends with him. I said hi and he actually said "Hi! I'm Ryan! Welcome to Southblake! If you need me I will be here for you." I literally almost burst! I tried to hold in my scream of joy as much as I could and luckily I didn't make a fool of myself right in front of my crush! 

It's my birthday tommorow and I asked my mum and dad if I could get a new sketchbook as all my other ones are full of drawings. Actually, most of them are of Ryan. I just love drawing his beautiul jet black hair and his stunning blue eyes. I so wish that I could be with him right now, having a picnic by a beautiful lake full of ducks. What would be by far the best though would be him and I sitting on the soft grass by a river swarmed by fireflies with their lights glowing as they circle Ryan and I while we eat sandwiches. Wouldn't it be gorgeous. If only...

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