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I'm sitting here on my bed, with my heart aching and with a weight clinging on to my shoulders. Eating chocolate biscuits and drinking Coca-Cola is my new hobby. Everything has collapsed on me and I can't take the pain anymore. The world is a story that I've finished reading. My heart is shattered into millions of pieces. I just feel abandoned and dumped in the rubbish. You don't know the reason why, and I don't really want anyone to know. Well. Basically, Ryan didn't turn up for our date. It felt like the world was ending. Me, standing alone on the beach for 1 hour in the scorching hot weather, waiting for him to arrive. I gave him enough chances, and I accepted he was going to be late, but that feeling started to drift away after half an hour of waiting. I decided to give him another half an hour, but that had been and gone so I left. I realised that he might have forgotten as his brain still isn't one hundred percent better, so I decided to let him off this once. 

At school on Monday, Ryan wouldn't talk to me. Maybe I had done something wrong myself. Maybe Ryan turned up at the right time and I had got the wrong time. I double checked and it was 3pm at Seastone Beach. Yep! Definitely came at 3pm. Ugh, why does this have to be so...... UGH! Ryan was a fake guy.... I think he is handsome but I bet he had to work to get those looks. I can't imagine him doing this to me! It's. It's Horrific! It's rude! It's... I CAN'T! 

Again, here I am eating and drinking coke. My mum knows what's happened and is feeling so sorry for me, she even bought me tickets to see Taylor Swift! I love my mum so much! But I can't stop thinking about what happened. I chose to text Ryan and try to act natural. 

Me: Hey, how are you.                                                                                                                                                           Ryan: Not so great after you left me standing on Seastone beach for hours! :(                                          Me: I was waiting for you! I thought you dumped me! :(                                                                                        Ryan: What are you thinking! I would never dump you. It's only a small beach, why didn't you see me?                                                                                                                                                                                        Me: Chat after school baby, I just don't have the time right now. xx

Well, we talked and it turned out I made a stupid mistake! I went to Sandstone beach not Seastone! Well done me! I win the award for stupidness! So, luckily, we arranged to go tomorrow and he joked around with me and told me to stick a postit note on my head as a reminder because I ALWAYS look in the mirror! I just love my baby.  I wish I was old enough to marry him. You see, couples get closer when they are married and I want Ryan and I to get married. Maybe one day...

The beach was lush! We went swimming in the crystal clear sapphire water and we had so much fun and definitely made memories. We went and got an ice-cream and sunbathed. It was amazing! We were sitting on the sand holding hands until... he kissed me. 

"You know Emma, you are strong, you really are! I will never stop loving you even if we break up." he whispered sweetly.                                                                                                                                                I just couldn't help kissing him back. I felt so happy inside and out.                                                                                                         

*thanks for reading "heartbroken"! I hope you enjoyed it. Please be kind to everyone and everything, you don't know their story. Please comment some more nice and positive things. Please check out  lel250505 as she is writing new books! Please vote for me as it will mean the world. I am aiming for 50 views and 20 votes! Thanks L.A.M.M.123

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