Signed "R"

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It's my birthday and I can't believe I'm 16! I've got my sweet 16 planned already and all the invites have been sent out. I actually cannot believe that I asked Ryan to my sweet 16! I was nice to invite his girlfriend too to make him a little happier. I just hope she doesn't mind me inviting him. I just got a present and card in the post. It was a painting on a canvas of me sitting by a pond with fireflies around me. Wait? How does this person know I dream of that? And in the card it said: 

"Dear Emma,                                                                                                                                                                               Happy Birthday and I can't wait for your sweet 16, I am definately coming. By the way Emma, I really like you but I decided to leave this card anonymous because if someone sees it they know that it wasn't me. I hope you like the canvas, I painted it myself. I know you will be a very lovely young lady forever and will succeed in life and maybe even be mine one day. If only...                        Signed R 

Wow! I'm mind blown he is an amazing artist. His name begins with R. Maybe... RYAN! Wait... no he has a girlfriend and drew her. It would be a dream come true if it was him who wrote the card. And he ended it with "If only..." I always end stuff with "if only..." .  Maybe he knows me well. I'm sat here trying to think of names beginning with R. Robert, Richard, Reese? The only name that I know beginning with R Is Ryan! I can't get him off my mind, no matter what.

My sweet 16 was a blast and I will tell you the whole story. So, Hannah and Amelia arrived first and they bought me tickets to see my favourite musical. I was so happy that I was going with them and not my embarrassing family. Then Tess was next to arrive and she started to scan the room. "Hey Tessa what's up? I asked.                                                                                                                            "My name is Tess! Not Tessa. Anyway, where is Ryan?" she moaned.                                                            I cringed and said I was sorry. I had no idea where Ryan was. Well it is only 4pm and my sweet 16 has only been going on for 5 minutes. Then, Ryan walked in holding a huge present. I literally couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear.                                                                                                                         "This is for you," he said "I hope you like it!"                                                                                                              Of course I loved it! It was a painting of him sitting by a river swarmed by fireflies, looking and smiling at something. Then I realised. Ryan was the guy who sent me that other present. And if you put those two pictures next to each other, it would be us two staring longingly at each other having a picnic! I was so overjoyed I jumped into his arms without remembering that his girlfriend was here too. But, instead of pushing me away, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I felt like I was on a big drop slide or something. It was the best moment I have ever had with a guy in my life. Then Tess came charging up to us.                                                                           "Ryan, I'm so glad we broke up! I knew you had feelings for someone else! Hope you guys have fun!" she said and then silently walked out of the party. He brushed my brown hair out of my face and smiled.                                                                                                                                                                     "I do like you Emma. A lot! Will you be my girlfriend Emma?"                                                                            That. Actually. Happened! I blurted out 'Yes!' and we hugged once more. Ryan is now mine. Officially my boyfriend. And I'm so glad Tess was actually ok with it. She seems like a nice girl if you get to know her!                                                            

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