Chap 4

411 7 4

-Deanna's POV-

"Come on wake up!" Hannah said jumping on my bed. "No." I mumbled. "I wanna know what happened at the club last night with you and Harry!!!!!!" she screamed. "No! It doesn't matter I just wanna forget that ever happened." I said back to her. "Whatever don't tell me but let's go get something to eat. It's already noon and you've been in bed all day." she said sitting on my bed now. "Fine let me take a quick shower and put some makeup and real clothes on." I said back to her as I got up and went to the bathroom. I took my shower and then but on my black mascara and eyeliner on. I applied some white eyeshadow and went to find something to wear. I put on my black skirt and my pink tank top and went out to the living room to get Hannah. "Deanna!!!!" I heard someone scream. "We need to talk." Liz said slamming the front door. "Okay how about we all go out to eat and talk in the car and there." Liz nodded her head at what I said. We went over to Olive Garden. As soon as we sat down and ordered our drinks Liz started talking. "I got a call from one of the people at the party and they told me how you yelled at One Direction in front of everyone. luckily there were no press there but if this gets out you will get in trouble." She said firmly. "Why will I get in trouble?" I asked as the waitress brought us our drinks. "Thanks." I thanked her and we all ordered our food. "You will be in trouble because they are the number 1 boy band group in the world." Liz said while putting her drink to her mouth and taking a sip. "I don't care what he I mean they are it's no-" Liz put her hand up which meant shut up. "He?" She said me. "Oh yeah she was only yelling at Harry." Hannah said. "Oh so now you decide to come into our conversation." I said giving her a evil glare. "Why were you yelling at Harry?" she asked. "It doesn't matter god why does everyone wanna know th-" I stopped talking to see that One Direction was here and there was Harry. "Why are they here?" I asked out loud meaning to say it in my head. "I told them to come thinking you were yelling at them but really it was just Harry you were yelling at." She said waving her hand for them to come and join us. "No!" I screamed as they came over. They all came over. "I'm not staying." I said starting to get up. "You will stay or I wont see if I can get someone to directed the movie you wrote." she said to me knowing I've wanted to write my own movie and have it be directed and star in it. "You are so mean." I said sitting down. "Niall." I said to him. "Come sit next to me." He came over and did so. "Hi Deanna." he said in his cute Irish accent. "Hi." I said back smiling. "So why are they here exactly?" I asked her. "I wanted you to apologize to them, but now I know it wasn't them you were yelling at it was Harry." Harry sat down next to Niall and looked up at Liz. "So now I want you guys after this to go see a movie and pretend you guys are the best of friends." she said looking at me and Harry. "I'm not being his friend aga-" I stopped. I didn't want anyone to know what happened that summer and that we were the best of friends. "I'm not pretending to be his friend." I said to her. "Deanna this is show business and you can't hate them, well you can't hate Harry. After the movie you are going to their concert where all of the fans will see that you and Harry are good friends in case the little party thing gets out because a lot of those people don't know how to keep their mouth shut." she said getting up. "Now finish eating and go to the movies." she said to me. "Uhhhhgggg." I groaned. I got up and started to walk away. "Harry!" I called. He got up and ran up next to me. "So Deanna what mov-" I cut him off. "I don't care let's just get this over with." I said to him. I can hear the camara's and the paparazzi going crazy. I put on the best happy fave I could and we went outside. They all circled around us asking so many questions. "Are you guys a couple?" "How long have you been going out?" and a lot of other questions. Harry just grabbed my arm and ran over to his car with me. "Get in." He said opening the door. I got into the car and buckled up. He got into the drivers seat and started to drive away from the paparazzi. We were in the parking lot for the theater. Harry came over and opened my door for me. "You know I am capable of opening my own door right?" I looked at his green eyes. "Yeah. I just thought that if some one on the paparazzi is hear hiding they will think we are good friends." he said looking down at me. "No they will think that we're going out and that's the last thing I want." I said to him. "Let's just go in there." I said walking ahead of him. When we got in we tried to figure out what movie to watch. "Oh. I know what movie!" I exactingly said. I ran over to the girl with the tickets. "2 for the Abraham Vampire Slayer movie please." I said while getting my money out. "I got it." Harry said handing her $10. We then go over to the snack counter and Harry said "I got this too. Can we have one large popcorn, one large sprite, snow caps, and sour patch kids." He said handing the guy at the counter a 20. How did he remember I liked snow caps and sour patch kids for snacks. He handed me the snow caps. I mumbled. "Thank you." "What was that?" he looked at me with a cheeky grin. "Oh just take the thank you and leave me alone." I said giving him a evil glare. I turned around and walked to theater number 3,.I could feel his eyes looking at me and his face have a smile on it. I stayed in the back to watch the movie. There was like nobody there good thing I did wait for the last day of this movie. "Deanna!" I turned to Harry. I leaned down in my seat so he wouldn't see me. "Oh there you are." He said. "Really?" I asked. "You know it's not hard to find you because you have red hair and it just sticks out." he said. The movie began. Some where when Abraham was trying to find the vampire that killed his mom Harry put his arm around me like in the movies with the fake yawn and setting it on my shoulder. I just ignored it cause I didn't want to miss any of the movie.

-Harry's Pov-

She hasn't moved my arm at all yet maybe that's a good sign of her not hating me. I was wrong with that thought as soon as the movie stopped Deanna grabbed my arm and threw it against my body saying "Don't do that all we have to do is pretend we are friends when people our near us. Got it pretend when people our near us." she said saying it over again. She tried to walk out of the theater but she tripped and fell right onto me. "Deanna you said friends not more than that." I said with a little grin on my face. She just gave me a really evil glare that could make a kid have nightmares and walked out of the theater. "I'll be right back I have to go to the bathroom." I said to her. When I got out I saw this guy near her and she started to talk to him. I went over to him and punched him right in the nose. I know I broke that guys nose when I did so. I grabbed Deanna's arm and brought her to the car. "Why did you punch that guy?" she asked kinda screaming. "I don't like the way he was flirting with you." I said before even thinking about what I said. "What?" she asked me all confused. "Get in the car I'm taking you home."  I said opening her door. I walked over to my door and started to drive to her place. Why did I punch that guy for flirting with her? It's not like I should care who flirts with her and who she flirts with. Then why did I care? "Harry!" Deanna screamed. "What?" I asked looking around to see if she was okay. "We are here." she said pointing to her big house. It was made out of gray bricks and it had white trims on it. Then Liz came outside and said the worst thing ever to Deanna. Something she did not want to hear.

What did Liz do now??????? Haha just making this up along the way.

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