Chap 18

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Dedicated to AThousandYears cause she is amazing, sweet, and super nice!!!!! Thank you all for reading and here is the wedding part!!!!!! :D Love you all.

-Harry's POV-

She walked down the aisle and took her place next to the groom. We sat down. "Damn she looks amazing." I whispered. "Yeah." Louis said sitting next to me. They did all of the talking and then the priest guy said. "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." I couldn't do it. "I OBJECT!" I screamed. I walked over to Deanna.

-Deanna's POV-

"I OBJECT!" Harry screamed. I turned my head to him. "What?" I asked. "I object." he said walking towards me. "I can't do this." he started. He grabbed my hand and started talking again. "Deanna the reason I didn't tell you I was going to the X-factor is because I didn't think I was going to win. I didn't say anything to you the night that you told me you like me because I didn't know what to do. So I didn't tell you and I regretted that everyday." he said. "Harry-" he cut me off. "No Deanna I have to say this. I liked you too then." he said. "Liked?" I said a little sad. "Yeah I liked you but Deanna now I. Well. I love you." Did he just say love? "What?" I asked. "I love you. Spending all this time with you made me realize that I missed you so much and love being with you. You give me butterflies in my stomach. I can't stand not to be around you it's so hard knowing I can't see your smile everyday." he said. "It's even harder to know that you don't love me." I looked at him. "Harry." I began. "I do love you." I said. "Really!?" he looked up at me. "Really." I smiled. He ran up to me and kiseed me. My leg popped just like in to movies. It was amazing. It was like fireworks. "Wow." I said. "Yeah." he said back. "Now I should probably tell you that this is part of my movie and the boys wanted to prank you." I said with a smile. "This isn't real?" he said. "Oh thank god. I didn't know you had a boyfriend but now that it's all fake I don't have to worry about being punched in the face." he said.  I giggled. "Thank you Louis." Harry said. "No prob." he said back.

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