Chap 19

366 7 3

Sorry they have been kinda short.

-Harry's POV-

"So do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" I asked Deanna after she was done shooting the wedding scene. "Yeah." she smiled. "Okay everyone go get changed and go home." Greg said. "Okay night Greg." Deanna said giving him a hug. "Night. See you soon." he said back to her. I walked with her to the trailer and I waited out side. I turned to the window to see Deanna putting her shirt on. I laughed and she must of heard me cause she turned around. I walked into the trailer. "Remember the fist time we saw each other you were in your room getting changed and I saw you standing there without a shirt on." I laughed a little. "Yeah. That was really embarrassing." she said laughing. "Yeah for you it was." I said back. She just smiled. "Where are we going for dinner?" she asked. "Oh don't worry just dress nice and you'll be just fine." I said. "Okay." she said back. I leaned in and kissed her. "Harry!" Louis called for me outside. "Yeah boo bear I'm in here." I said kissing Deanna hoping he didn't know where here was. "Oh hey Harry. We are leaving." he said to me. "Okay. I'll pick you up at 7." I said to Deanna. "Okay see you later." she smiled. I kissed her check and ran out the door. Finally it was time to pick Deanna up. I got to her house at 7 like I said I would. I can't believe I am going out with Deanna! I wanted to for a while and now I am. Knock Knock. I knocked on her door and she came out. She looked amazing. (dress on side) "Wow you look great!" I said. "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself." she said to me. "Thanks." I held out my arm. We chained arms and went back to my place. "Harry?" she said my name. "Yeah?" I asked. "Why are we at your place. Don't think I'm that easy." she said smiling. I laughed, "I know your not that easy. I was going to cook dinner." I said. "Oh. Okay." she said. "What you don't want me to cook dinner." I asked. "No I just started to think about something." she said. "Do you wanna t-" she cut me off. "No lets enjoy the evening." she said. "Okay." I smiled. I ran over to her door and opened it before she could. She smiled at me. I brought her inside. "Why is it so dark?" she asked. I turned on the light.

-Deanna's POV-

"Why is it so dark?" I asked. Harry turned on the light. "Wow." I said seeing a trail of rose peddals lead to the kitchen. I saw the table lit up with a candle. "You like it?" he asked. "I love it!" I said back hugging him. He walked over and started to cook. "What you making?" I asked going over to him and putting my arms around his waist. "Pasta." he said back extending the two a's but the last one more than the first. I giggled."What?" he asked. "The way you said pasta." I smiled and he smiled back. He kissed me. I waited at the table. He came over with two plates of pasta. "Yum. Smells great!" I said grabbing my fork and starting to eat. "Mmmm" I groand. "It's so amazing." I said. He smiled and digged into his plate. "Deanna?" he said my name. "Yeah?" I questioned him. "Why did you hate me? Was it cause I didn't say that I liked you back?" he asked. "No." I plainly stated. "Then why?" he said putting his fork down and looking at me. I put my fork down and look back at him. "I didn't care if you said you liked me or not. Sure I would have like to hear you say you like me but it was because you didn't say anything at all. Then you never called or texted me. I thought you hated me for what I said. But mostly I was mad because I was your bestfriend and you didn't tell me that you sighned up for the X-factor. I told you everything." I said. "Oh." he said. I looked back down at my food not sure of what to say. "Well I never liked you." he said to me. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked. "I never liked you." he said back smiling. I looked down at my food. "I alwayed loved you." he said. I looked up at him and smile. "I wasn't lieing today when I said I love you." he said with a smile. "Neither was I." I smiled back at him. "Where are all the boys?" I asked. "I told them to get out of here till like 10." he said. "Oh." I said.

Thanks for reading loves. You guys are great and I love you all!!!! <3

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